
Minutes from the 9th of March 2009 Meeting

Brookland Terrace Civic Club Meeting called to order by President Chuck Stirk at 7 PM
Charlie Farrall led the Pledge.

The Meeting attendance was made up of the following:

1 New Caste County Police Officer, Corporal Browning, Community Services Officer

1 State Police Officer, Corporal/2 Phil Dzielak, Delaware State Police Troop 6

Delaware State Representative, Debbie Hudson, 2nd District

New Castle County Council Person, Tim Sheldon, 9th District

All BTCC Officers (6)

16 Neighbors

The following was discussed:

Park Clean up - date April 25 with a rain date of May 2. Signs for park clean up will be done by Greg Greenzweig.

Friends of Woodland Park - Tim Sheldon still to get information to William Wheatley in regards to how this will work - this might have to happen due to the fact that NCC might not have money for cutting and trash removal in new budget.

Block Watch - Chuck Stirk reported that it has been working out quite well.

Jurisdiction of the Police - our neighborhoods are NCC and the main highways are the state.

Gun Shots on or around 700 Armstrong were investigated and the police said no shells were found - several people had reported the shots.

Wheel Chair Lady - we have been told to call the 573-2800 number when we see her in front of our neighborhood - the police told us they have spoken to her and she is not allowed to set up in our area anymore - they will take action when she is reported.

Debbie Hudson - reported that several streets are in for repairs. Chuck will follow up with her and she also reported that most of the new stop signs we requested will be put in place.

Pet Issues Group - Nicole Hewes reported she had been in contact with Faithful Friends and would follow up with the person whom cats are the subject of this issue. Chuck also wrote this neighbor a letter from the BTCC offering the free help.

Graffiti Watch - we have had great success in keeping the graffiti cleaned up. The group voted to purchase more Graffiti cleaner.

There have been complaints about what our meeting signs look like - our nice neighbor Phil Weir has said he will do new ones. Thank you Phil.

Tim Sheldon - was asked to speak and told us that the sewer leak at Armstrong and Centerville Rd had been fixed and that it would be cleaned up.

He offered to get us two county people to come to the park clean up. We told him all we need was for him to get someone to let us know where to pile the stuff we take out of the park, so the county can pick it up the following Monday.

He also filled us in on the NCC budget meetings and advised us that there will most likely be a tax increase this year on our homes.

He also told us that he would get signs put in the park for people who walk their dogs to clean up after them. We will be responsible for bags being attached to the signs - hopefully the people walking their dogs know it is a law and will carry one to clean up after their dogs.

TRASH CANS - that were removed from park will be brought back - we will see that they are securely attached so the kids/adults that decide they should be thrown in the stream can not do so. We will also be responsible for putting trash bags in them and emptying them weekly,as there is no trash removal due to the budget. So, to the 12 people who have requested them back: we hope you will take on this responsibility.

SNOW REMOVAL - we voted to keep the gentleman who plowed for the rest of 2009 and 2010 as our snow remover.

CRANSTON HEIGHTS FIRE COMPANY DONATION - we voted to send $100.00 to them for 2009.

Checks were approved for William Wheatley for $10.00, fee paid for use of school; Joyce Grymes $25.00, for electric filling of Civic League of NCCO for 2009; Chuck Stirk for $58.00, for graffiti cleaner and $25.00 for new letters.

Joyce Grymes gives Treasure's Report.

William Wheatley reported that as of the night of the meeting, 144 homes out of 350 had paid their 2009 DUES.

Meeting was closed with prayer from Mrs. Cycyk.

A few Days after the meeting several people called wanting a Community Yard Sale - so the date of May 16 has been selected.

Brookland Terrace Civic Club
Incorporated 1940

2905 Ferris Road/Centre Road
Wilmington Delaware 19805
United States of America



- President-Charles C Stirk Jr 
302.463.2239 ccstirkjr@gmail.com

- Vice President-Glen Fuller

- Secretary William Wheatley
302.996.9503 williamwheatley@aol.com

- Treasurer Joyce Grymes 

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