
Santa Claus Tour .....

Santa Claus toured Brookland Terrace
escorted by the
Cranston Heights Fire Company

This year the tour hit just about if not all the streets in the Terrace WOW

A good time was had by all ...

Thanks so much to Cranston Heights Fire Company & Santa

2008 Holiday Dinner Photos

Holiday Dinner was a great success thanks all ....

We had a great turn out ..... & talk of Spring Dinner & summer cook out have started t


missing orange fluffy cat found it's home

update : missing orange fluffy cat found it's home

An orange fluffy cat with a bell collar is at our house wanting it's owner to contact us so it can get home safely. Please call if you are missing this cat.

Glen Fuller @ 998-1667.



Brookland Terrace Civic Club



- President-Charles C Stirk Jr 302.463.2239 ccstirkjr@gmail.com
- Vice President-Glen Fuller
- Secretary William Wheatley 302.999.9524 williamwheatley@aol.com
- Treasurer Joyce Grymes


Whisperings have been heard that Santa Claus .....

Whisperings have been heard that Santa Claus, will be touring Brookland Terrace. escorted by the Cranston Heights Fire Company on the 15th of December 5 - 8:30 pm .....


winter news letter

Construction Advisory Group Route 141 – Kirkwood Highway to Faulkland Road

Construction Advisory Group
Route 141 – Kirkwood Highway to Faulkland Road

MEETING MINUTES – November 10, 2008

Date: November 10, 2008
Time: 5:00 PM
Location: DuPont Chestnut Run Plaza, Bldg. 700
Wilmington, Delaware 19805


Mr. Larry Mitchell – State Representative
Mr. Joseph Reda – New Castle County Councilman
Mr. Bill Osborne – TMA
Mr. Robert Bristow – DuPont Co.
Mr. Michael Alfree – DSYF/DMSS
Mr. Pete Hayward – Resident
Mr. Mike MacDowell – Woodland Heights
Mr. Charles Stirk – Brookland Terrace
Ms. Phyllis Berggnun – Willow Run
Mr. Bernie Berggnun – Willow Run
Ms. Theresa Riddleberger – Willow Run
Mrs. Edie Realey – Willow Run
Mr. Tom Brooks – DelDOT
Mr. Harry Cooper – DelDOT
Mr. Mark Buckalew – DelDOT
Ms. Misty Seemans – DelDOT

Misty Seemans called the meeting to order at 5:04 p.m. She told those present that Ms. Sullivan’s fence has been installed.

Tom Brooks discussed business regarding design:
1. Working on revision plans for a wall on the northbound side of Route 141.
2. Has decided to move forward with a wrought iron fence with landscaping along Field Road.
3. Working on revision plans for a retaining wall.

General discussion ensued:
· A resident discussed congestion problems between moving vehicles and parked vehicles on West Gilpin Drive. Tom said the situation is temporary. Two lanes of traffic have been shifted to the westbound side of West Gilpin Drive while the eastbound side is being worked on. Traffic will be shifted to the eastbound direction when the westbound side is worked on. Eventually, eastbound and westbound traffic will be divided by a median.
· Councilman Joseph Reda commented that if the shoulders are too wide, vehicles will continue to park on the road, creating similar congestion problems in the future.
· A resident asked what the open, empty space at the most western part of West Gilpin Drive is. Tom explained that area would be where vehicles will turn left to get to Montgomery Road.
· A resident asked that with hundreds of residents living in Willow Run and the queue at the Montgomery Extension traffic signal to turn on to Route 141, will there be a stop sign at the intersection of Montgomery Road and Montgomery Extension? Tom said that Montgomery Road would be one way south of the Extension.
· A resident asked about the volume of residents versus the amount of exits out of Willow Run. Tom said the entrances and exits into Willow Run on Faulkland Road would be sufficient to handle traffic. A resident commented that the traffic signal at Faulkland Road and Route 141 is timed better for vehicles to turn on to Route 141 than the signal at Montgomery Extension and Route 141.
· A resident asked if the traffic signal on southbound Route 141 to Montgomery Extension would have a left arrow signal. Tom said yes.
· Councilman Reda asked about plans for a four-way crosswalk at Route 141 and Faulkand Road. Tom said the timing of the pedestrian crosswalk would not override traffic flow. In other words, when a pedestrian pushes the crosswalk button to cross Route 141 or Faulkland Road, she or he will still have to wait for the traffic signal to turn red and then the crosswalk signal will be activated. General discussion ensued about the safety of pedestrians. Harry Cooper explained that pedestrians will be able to cross the roads but will have to wait for the traffic signal before she or he can cross.
· Councilman Reda asked if the effects of proposed development in the vicinity has been taken into account regarding the project.
· A resident asked about left turns into the Chestnut Run Shopping Center from Faulkland Road. Tom explained that there would be traffic signals (and two entrances) into the shopping center, like now. There will be a left turn lane. Tom said the northern entrance on Faulkand Road would be the main entrance and exit. Vehicles will be able to turn left out of the center on to westbound Faulkland Road. The southern entrance of the shopping center on Faulkland Road will not allow left turns out of the center; only right turns.
· A resident asked what the open space north of West Gilpin Drive, along Route 141, is. Mark Buckalew explained that the space is the future northbound Route 141 lanes.

Mark updated the group on the project’s progress during construction:
· The project is slightly behind schedule but will be able to make up some time in winter.
· The following work is being done:
1. The bridge deck and parapet on Bridge 1-143 that is over Little Mill Creek.
2. Mark asked the community for its assistance regarding the retaining wall along the ramp from Route 2/Kirkwood Highway. The wall will be painted to look like stone and covered with an anti-graffiti covering. But, the graffiti would have to be power washed off within two weeks of contact. Mark asked the community to keep an eye on the wall and report when it has been tagged. The police’s graffiti hotline is (302) 571-7332, in New Castle County. The other option is for a member of the community to power wash it him or herself.

General discussion ensued:
· A resident asked about landscaping along a proposed fence on Field Road. Harry said trees would be planted along the fence.
· A resident asked about whether the public would be able to contribute input on landscaping in the median. Tom said the design is a year out but the public will be asked for input.

Mark continued to update the group on the project’s progress during construction:
· The following work is being done:
1. Bridge I-600, which is over the Kirkwood Highway, is almost complete. There are some add-ons to the bridge expansion dams that will need to be replaced before the bridge is complete.
2. Paving the future northbound Route 141 travel lanes.
3. Montgomery Road is complete and partially open to traffic. Work is focused on completing the Gilpin Road portion so that two-way traffic will not affect the parking area in front of the strip mall on Montgomery Road.
4. The ramp from Route 2/Kirkwood Highway onto northbound Route 141 will remain closed until the ramp reconstruction is complete. The ramp will re-open in February 2009.
5. Work has started on the approach slabs of Bridge 604, which is over the southbound ramp from westbound Kirkwood Highway to Route 141. This will not have much impact on the community.

General discussion ensued:
· Michael Alfree of DSYF/DMSS asked if and when DelDOT would create a pathway so employees could cross from Ferris to Faulkland Road, which is now blocked by a dirt mound. Harry said utility work was responsible for creating the mound and laying the loose stone instead of hot mix. Mr. Alfree asked if DelDOT could improve the walkway. Mark said drainage is an issue but would look into a possible solution.
· Mr. Alfree said DelDOT needs to remove some damaged shrubs at the Faulkand Road entrance to Ferris. Mark said it would be taken care of.
· A resident asked about the upcoming traffic shift. Mark said details would be forthcoming at the next meeting. The resident asked if four lanes would be maintained. Mark said yes.
· A businessperson asked about the installation of sidewalks in the Route 141 and Faulkland Road intersection area. Mark said a portion south on Faulkand Road would occur within the month. The area north would be done in late December.

Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:29 p.m. with the next meeting scheduled for Monday, January 12, 2008 at 5 p.m.


Monday, Jan. 12th - 5:00PM

DuPont Chestnut Run Plaza
Building 700
Directions: Use Route 141 entrance, north of the Faulkland Road intersection
Travel on South Mall Road
Left on Third Street
At stop sign, left on North Mall Road
Parking is available on all four sides of Building 700
The main entrance faces North Mall Road


Holiday Diner RSVPs Needed

Brookland Terrace Civic Club 2008 Holiday Dinner

6:30PM 8th of December

Location: Community Fellowship Church 200 Armstrong Ave

The Civic Club will provide Turkey & Ham ........

We are asking families to please bring a covered dish

If any one needs assistance transportation in attending please let us know ..

RSVP Heather Wiktorowicz 994-2448 Or Heather Stirk 633-0195

We are also asking for volunteers to pass out flyers in the next week ....


Crime-tip texting is first in Del.

Crime-tip texting is first in Del.
NCCo system lets witnesses stay anonymous ...

Looking for help from witnesses who would rather text than talk, the department is the first in Delaware to offer a tip line for citizens to report crime by sending anonymous messages on their cell phones.

To text anonymous crime tips to New Castle County police, send to CRIMES (274637). Begin text with TIPS702, then type a message. You will receive a response from police with the option of continuing the communication. Standard rates apply.


Graffiti Watch Fall Paint Nov 8

Graffiti Watch , Fall Paint Today was pushed due to the rain ...

If any neighbors wish to volunteer please contact William or Charles



3 Nov 2008 Meeting Notes

Monday 3 November 2008 Meeting Notes

Attendance - 4 officers
20 Households
1 Councilman - Timothy P. Sheldon 302-395-8349 tpsheldon@nccde.org
1 911 Rep - Dennis M. Quinn 302-395-8212 dmquinn@nccde.org
1 County Officer - Al. Rob Joseph 302-395-8171 lrjoseph@nccde.org

Meeting called to order at 7 p.m. Pledge to Flag

2008 Holiday Dinner 8 of DEC - was discussed and approved by all attending.

Graffiti Watch Fall Paint over was discussed and se up for Nov 8
New Marking in park was reported.
Swing Set has be repaired in park.

Missing or Trapped Pets
Calls where made to major pet organisations, some had replied.

Current Dues
At time of Meeting 88 houses had paid as of today 11-6-08 100 have paid.

4 Way Stops Signs:
requested for Ohio and R. I.
Brookland and Armstrong
Armstrong and Maryland
additional stop sign was requested for Hillside and Maine

Music in the Park - During the Summer Months
Was approved by all in attendance - Tim Sheldon said all he asked was that we let
his office know in advance so he could have someone at the park, but he thought it was a
great idea. All kinds of music was approved by all in attendance. We also asked that any
one knowing of a group or person who played music to have them contact us if they might
be interested in playing.

Snow Plowing
We are going after bids for snow plowing. Robert Andrews will be contacted to see what
his pricing is for the new year.

Treasurers Report was given by Joyce Grymes.

First Guest County Councilman - Timothy Shelton - will be ours for the next four years.
Working on Taxes (to keep them down) new Sewer, and workforce housing
Explained the new violation rules - warning letter , first visit $50.00 fine, after the first day follow up $50.00 is not taken care of and $50.00 a day till fixed.
Has gotten us radar cars is development to check speeding. He told us about the radar cars and was not happy when one of our neighbors told everyone
where they had been sitting.

Second Guest - Dennis M. Quinn - 911
Their records show in the last 7 months only 2 calls in ref. to drugs

Discussed cars called in - a suspense cars get top propriety.

When calling in need to get type of car, tag number, color of car, description of per
driving car or truck.

When you call in write down date, time, get persons name you talked to then forward to
brooklandterrace@gmail.com , Charles C. Stirk Jr. 463.2239 or William Wheatley 999-9524

Third Guest - L. Rob Joseph - Sergeant

They also advised us that yes there is some drug trafficking going on in our development and
took information from several other neighbors about places they felt it was going on to watch.

He is going to try to get some of the other officers who are on duty to ride guest development
when they can just to show more of a police awareness.


Brookland Terrace Civic Club Newsletter Fall 2008

Brookland Terrace Civic Club Newsletter Fall 2008

B.T.T.C. Meeting 7p.m.Monday 3 Nov,
Marbrook Elementary School
2101 Centerville Road

on the agenda

-HolidayDinner -GraffitiWatch, -Pet issues -BlockWatch

-We are Looking forward to discussing Public Safety & other issues with....

- A Captain from the NCC Police Dept.-

-A Representative from 911centre-RECOM

County Councilman Tim Sheldon or representative

--2008 Holiday Dinner 8 Dec 6:30PM

At Community Fellowship Church 200 Armstrong Ave

The Civic Club will Provide Turkey & Ham ........

We are asking families to bring a covered dish for 8ish

If any one needs assistance transportation in attending please let us know

RSVP Heather Wiktorowicz 994-2448 Or Heather Stirk 633-0195

-- Volunteers Needed! Graffiti Watch Fall Paint Over 10 AM 8 Nov

-Missing or Trapped Pets if anyone has any information PleaseLetusKnow

-Over 90 Neighbours have paid the 2009 annual dues. Thank You

The $10.00 annual dues pay for snow removal, park clean-up and activities such as the annual community yard sale. & the Christmas party.

Please make checks payable to the Brookland Terrace Civic Club and send to
BTCC 2905 Centre Road Wilmington De 19805-1130


11 September 2008 Meeting Notes

Number of people attending meeting 17 plus 3 officers

New Castle County Councilman Tim Sheldon' s legislative aide Stephanie N Rizzo attended the meeting & answered a multitude of questions quite thoroughly ..

We thanked the county for the new equipment in Park.

Community year Sales date was set for 9-13.

Graffiti -we discussed how new stuff had been covered up on under pass and stuff written on new park equipment and street signs.

House posted as uninhibited home on 412 Ohio.

Tree needs to be trimmed on corner of Armstrong & Faulkland

Block Watch - was discussed and every one at meeting seemed to interested.

A resident asked that the flyer on NOISE, Dogs, Bike be sent out again.

Street Repairs - it takes 2 years to get street repaired after getting on list.

Drainage Ditch - over growth - behind house's on Hillside and Brookland.

Holiday Dinner - was discussed December 8 was date church give us - we need to do a
special flyer to be given out for whom wants to attend.

Date for our Meeting - we changed at to Mondays - Next meeting set for Nov 3


Construction Advisory Group

September 8, 2008Construction Advisory Group
Route 141 – Kirkwood Highway to Faulkland Road


Mr. Larry Mitchell – State Representative
Mr. Joseph Reda – New Castle County Councilman
Mr. Robert Bristow – DuPont Co.
Mr. Pete Hayward – Resident
Mr. Mike MacDowell – Woodland Heights
Mr. Charles Stirk – Brookland Terrace
Mr. Eryl Roth – DSCYF/DMSS
Mr. Tom Brooks – DelDOT
Mr. Harry Cooper – DelDOT
Mr. Mark Buckalew - DelDOT
Mr. Robert King - DelDOT
Ms. Misty Seemans - DelDOT

Bob King called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.

Tom Brooks discussed old business:
1. The existing overhead sign from Route 141 southbound to Route 2/Kirkwood Highway northbound will be changed. Currently, it says To (2)/Kirkwood Highway/Centerville Road/Right Lane. The new sign will say To (2)/Kirkwood Highway/Centerville Road/Exit Only.

Tom discussed new business:
1. Left-hand turns have been restricted to and from Route 141 at Gilpin Drive. A traffic signal permitting left-hand turns will be installed at the intersection of Route 141 and Montgomery Road Extension in the near future.
2. The funds for a landscaping design are available for Fiscal Years 2009 and 2010. Construction funds have been requested for Fiscal Year 2012. A maintenance agreement is still needed. This will be included in the design process.

Mark Buckalew updated the group on the project’s progress during construction:
· The project is slightly behind schedule due to a few utility delays.
· The following work is being done:
1. Beams will be set on the Route 141 bridge over Little Mill Creek.
2. The work to the Route 141 bridge over Kirkwood Highway is almost complete with the exception of clean-up work and touch-up painting. Expansion dam replacement is still to come. The bridge deck needs to be repaved.
3. Excavating and placing stone for new Route 141 northbound lanes and bike path.
4. Montgomery Road Extension should be complete in September. This will allow traffic to turn left from Route 141 southbound to access Gilpin Drive and vice versa.
5. The ramp from Route 2/Kirkwood Highway onto Route 141 northbound will remain closed until the ramp reconstruction is complete. This will be in effect for approximately three months.
6. New utility poles are being installed along the east and west side of Faulkland Road.

General discussion ensued:
1. New Castle County Councilman Joseph Reda asked what type of traffic signal will be at the intersection of Route 141 and Montgomery Road Extension. Mark said approaching vehicles will trip the light but it will not be a stacked signal. Stacked signals aren’t typically used.
2. A resident asked if new street lighting on Lehigh Avenue will shine in residents’ homes. Mark said the lighting is designed to shine on the roadway.
3. A resident asked if work would be done to the bridge from Route 2/Kirkwood Highway westbound to Route 141 northbound. Mark said there would not be any significant work to this bridge. Harry Cooper said a retaining wall would be added to the bridge to increase width for the additional lanes.
4. A resident said he did not get a mailed copy of the minutes or see the minutes on the DelDOT Web page. Bob said the resident was on the mailing list and the minutes are on the Web page, but will keep an eye on these issues.
5. A resident asked about whether this project took into account the proposed development of Barley Mill Plaza. Discussion ensued.

Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:25 p.m. with the next meeting scheduled for Monday, November 3, 2008 at 5 p.m.


Brookland Terrace Civic Club Newsletter September 2008

Next Civic Club meeting this Wednesday 10 September at 7 pm

at Marbrook Elementary School 2101 Centerville Road

ontheagenda Community Yard Sale 13 Sept , Graffiti Watch ,
2009 Dues , Streets , Block Watch

Community Yard Sale - Saturday 13 September

Signs will be put around community &
Announcements will be put on Craig's List
& in newspapers

We are very happy to see new play ground equipment in Woodland Run Park
Since January 2008, over 160 homes have paid 2008 annual dues.

Civic club dues pay for snow removal, park clean-up
and activities such as the annual community yard sale.

We would also like more participation from young families to
organise and run activities for children such as a Holiday party.

We would like to also welcome the new residents who have moved to Brookland Terrace

For 2009 Dues Please make checks for $10 payable to the
Brookland Terrace Civic Club and send them in the attached envelope
to: BTCC 2905 Centre Road Wilmington De 19805-1130


President - Charles C Stirk Jr
Vice President-Glen Fuller
Treasurer - Joyce Grymes
Secretary - William Wheatley


Closure of Faulkland Road at Route 141 Intersection


DelDOT Public Relations August 7, 2008
1-800-652-5600 or 302-760-2080
HYPERLINK "http://www.deldot.gov" www.deldot.gov

Construction for Route 141 Improvement Project Will Require Closure of Faulkland Road
at Route 141 Intersection

Wilmington – The Department of Transportation (DelDOT) wants to alert motorists that effective Tuesday, August 12, the east end of Faulkland Road at the Route 141 intersection will be closed to traffic.

The Faulkland Road closure will occur Tuesday, August 12, at 6:00 p.m. and will reopen to traffic on Monday, August 18, at 6:00 a.m. The purpose of this closure is due to the reconstruction of the Route 141 and Faulkland Road intersection. There will be a lane shift along both northbound and southbound Route 141 for traffic heading west on Faulkland Road.

Traffic along Faulkland Road east of the closure wishing to access Route 141 will take Faulkland Road eastbound making a left onto DuPont Road South to Lancaster Pike and make a left onto Lancaster Pike to Route 141. Traffic wishing to travel eastbound onto Faulkland Road off Route 141 will take Lancaster Pike eastbound and turn right onto DuPont Road. Detour signs will be posted.

During this closure the ramp from Route 2 westbound onto Route 141

northbound will be reopened to provide an alternative detour route. Following the reopening of Faulkland Road, the ramp off Route 2 will again be closed.

For more information, visit DelDOT's Web site at HYPERLINK "http://www.deldot.gov" www.deldot.gov or tune to WTMC-AM 1380.



Construction for Route 141 Improvement Project Will Require Closure of Faulkland Road at Route 141 Intersection


DelDOT Public Relations                                           August 7, 2008
1-800-652-5600 or 302-760-2080           
 HYPERLINK "http://www.deldot.gov" www.deldot.gov
Construction for Route 141 Improvement Project Will Require Closure of Faulkland Road
at Route 141 Intersection

Wilmington – The Department of Transportation (DelDOT) wants to alert motorists that effective Tuesday, August 12, the east end of Faulkland Road at the Route 141 intersection will be closed to traffic.

The Faulkland Road closure will occur Tuesday, August 12, at 6:00 p.m. and will reopen to traffic on Monday, August 18, at 6:00 a.m.  The purpose of this closure is due to the reconstruction of the Route 141 and Faulkland Road intersection.  There will be a lane shift along both northbound and southbound Route 141 for traffic heading west on Faulkland Road. 

Traffic along Faulkland Road east of the closure wishing to access Route 141 will take Faulkland Road eastbound making a left onto DuPont Road South to Lancaster Pike and make a left onto Lancaster Pike to Route 141.  Traffic wishing to travel eastbound onto Faulkland Road off Route 141 will take Lancaster Pike eastbound and turn right onto DuPont Road. Detour signs will be posted. 

During this closure the ramp from Route 2 westbound onto Route 141

northbound will be reopened to provide an alternative detour route.  Following the reopening of Faulkland Road, the ramp off Route 2 will again be closed.

For more information, visit DelDOT's Web site at  HYPERLINK "http://www.deldot.gov" www.deldot.gov or tune to WTMC-AM 1380.



Graffiti Paint over this Saturday 7 JUNE at 9:30 AM

Graffiti Paint over Saturday 7 June at 9:30 AM

For more info contact us at brooklandterrace@gmail.com or 302.4632239

Due to the weather & scheduling conflict the Graffiti Paint Over was rescheduled ..

Work on Route 141, North of Faulkland Road Set to Start Wednesday, June 4

Wilmington – The Department of Transportation (DelDOT) advises motorists who use Route 141, north of Faulkland Road, that starting Wednesday, June 4, the southbound lanes will be shifted to the west. On Thursday, June 5, the northbound lanes will also be shifted to the west. Four travel lanes will be maintained after the switch, which will last for one year.

Expect delays between 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. while work takes place. The traffic switch is weather dependent. Message boards have been set up notifying drivers of the shift.

The Route 141, Kirkwood Highway to Faulkland Road, project is designed to improve safety, relieve congestion, improve and add pedestrian and bicycle facilities, and enhance the area’s aesthetics. Greggo & Ferrara, Inc., a New Castle-based construction firm began construction last fall and will continue through 2010. Landscaping will take place in 2011.

For more information, visit DelDOT’s Web page dedicated to the project at www.de141.deldot.gov or tune to WTMC-AM 1380.

Misty Seemans
Public Information Officer
Office of Public Relations
Delaware Department of Transportation
302.760.2146 (Dover)
302.894.6304 (Wilmington)
302.943.2154 (Cell)
302.760.2080 (Main)
302.739.2092 (Fax)


Meeting Notes for May 14, 2008

Meeting was called to order at 7pm.

Meeting was attended by 3 elected officers and 9 other persons.

Graffiti Watch - Paint i told everyone i have been in touch with Misty Seemans at DelDot - she has since sent me a email to call Bill Thatcher directly i did so today but got answering machine i will try again on monday 19 of may.

Block Watch - was discussed and everyone agreed that a Wednesday night would be good for training.

Community Yard Sale - a date of September 13 was picked - a ad will be put in News Journal and signs will be made an be put around community.

A Holiday Party was discussed an Elizabeth Stirk is going to check with the Community Fellowship Church to see if we can use their hall for it.

Elections of Officers were held - an are as follows:

President - Charles Stirk
V-P - Glen Fuller
Secretary - Willliam Wheatley
Treasurer - Joyce Grymes

Next Civic Club meeting will be September 10 at 7pm


Meeting next Wednesday 7PM 14th of May at ......

Meeting Wednesday 7PM 14th of May at Marbrook Elementary School
2101 Centerville Road

On the agenda Election of Officers , Graffiti Watch , Block Watch & the September community yard sale ....

Graffiti Not

William Wheatley found the Ãœber Graffiti cleaner ...... Richard Schuler repainted & put up cool solar lights to boot



Construction Advisory Group Meeting.... Monday, May 12th - 5:00PM

Construction Advisory Group Route 141 – Kirkwood Highway to Faulkland Road

Monday, May 12, 2008 – 5:00 p.m.Monday, May 12th - 5:00PM

DuPont Chestnut Run Plaza
Building 700
Directions: Use Route 141 entrance, north of the Faulkland Road intersection
Travel on South Mall Road
Left on Third Street
At stop sign, left on North Mall Road
Parking is available on all four sides of Building 700
The main entrance faces North Mall Road

Also visit http://www.de141.deldot.gov for more information!

Construction Advisory Group
Route 141 – Kirkwood Highway to Faulkland Road


ParkCleanUp Went Great .... Thanks All

The ParkCleanUp Went Great & we wanted to thank every one that came out to help .... 

Especially Dave Iliff for organizing a wonderful ParkCleanUp  .. great job Dave 

There were over thirty volunteers a fun time was had by all & best of all the park looks great 

the 303 Bump on Brookland Ave


Graffiti test cleaning ..


Ron Landry did a test cleaning of a graffiti sign ... see above 

Looks like we have a very encouraging graffiti clean up option for street signs in Brookland Terrace ....  & only took Ron about five minutes 


Minutes from 16th April

Meeting - April 16, 2008 was called to order at 7 p.m..

Attending -  3 officers and 11 home owners.

Block Watch was discussed and voted on to go ahead and start the process of setting up one.

Graffiti Watch was discussed and voted on to go ahead and continue to get supplies to plant and clean up signs in area.

Park Cleanup on April 26 was discussed. We need to pickup trash tapes and caution tape.  At the end of meeting at least 11 people had signed up to be at park at 9am.

Block Captains -  we are going to look into getting a current list of them made up.

Community Yard Sale - was discussed and a date in september 2008 will be picked at May 14 meeting.

Board of Directors - was discussed we need to look up to see who are listed and have a new elections of directors.

Department of Transportation - it was requested that we try to get someone from Del Dot to come to meeting to discuss the construction on 141 on how it is going to affect our community for the coming months.

Marbrook Elementary School - we voted to set up our next year meetings with the school in advance and voted to meet Sept - Nov - Jan - Mar - May an meet the second wednesday of those months.

Donations & Dues - the group voted in favor of sending the Civic League a Renewal fee of $25.00 and $100.00 donation to the Cranston Heights Firehouse.

Park Department - Paul Johnson is our contact person - phone # 395-5786

Finance Report - 134 residents who have paid their yearly dues bringing the total collected so far this year is $2420.00.

Meeting was adjourned at 7.55pm.



Brookland Terrace Civic Club Newsletter April 8, 2008

Next Meeting Wednesday 7 p.m. April 16,
Marbrook Elementary School
2101 Centerville Road

On the agenda Graffiti Watch , ParkCleanUp
& Block Watch

Volunteers Needed!
Woodland Run Park/Little Mill Creek Cleanup
Saturday April 26, 9:00AM

Please give a little of your time to help keep our parkland beautiful! We must increase our awareness and keep it from being destroyed and defaced by thoughtless individuals. It is a beautiful place for all to enjoy! Woodland Run Park is a natural environment and home to deer, fox, racoons, squirrels and many beautiful bird species.

Please help maintain awareness and put a stop to those that litter and deface this beautiful place.
Let’s keep it beautiful and safe for our families!
Volunteers will meet by the ball field between 8:45 and 9:00 the morning of the 26th.
Trash bags, gloves and poker sticks will be provided. Please call 302 994-5696 for
sign ups and any questions.

This is a small, but important part of the change and co-operation we need in our country! We hope to see you there!


Since January 2008, 126 homes have paid their $10.00 annual dues.

Civic club dues pay for snow removal, park clean-up and activities such as the annual community yard sale. We would also like more participation from young families to organise and run activities for children such as a Halloween Party and Christmas party.

We would like to also welcome the new residents who have moved to Brookland Terrace This is a Second Request for residents who have not sent in their dues. Also if you are renters, please forward this notice to the owners or property managers if you don’t have an agreement to pay this charge in your lease. Alternatively, you can put their address in the attached envelope and we will contact them directly.

Please make checks payable to the Brookland Terrace Civic Club and send them in the attached envelope to: BTCC 2905 Centre Road Wilmington De 19805-1130

President - Charles C Stirk Jr 302.463.2239 ccstirkjr@gmail.com
Vice President-Matt Novak
Treasurer - Joyce Grymes
Secretary - William Wheatley

http://brooklandterracecivicclub.blogspot.com brooklandterrace@gmail.com


Woodland Run Park/Little Mill Creek Cleanup Saturday April 26, 2008

Volunteers Needed!

Woodland Run Park/Little Mill Creek Cleanup
Saturday April 26, 2008

Please give a little of your time to help keep our parkland beautiful! We must increase our awareness and keep it from being destroyed and defaced by thoughtless individuals. It is a beautiful place for all to enjoy! Woodland Run Park is a natural environment and home to deer, fox, raccoons, squirrels and many beautiful bird species. Please help maintain awareness and put a stop to those that litter and deface this beautiful place. Let’s keep it beautiful and safe for our families!

Volunteers will meet by the ball field between 8:45 and 9:00 the morning of the 26th.
Trash bags, gloves and poker sticks will be provided. Please call 302 994-5696 for
sign ups and any questions.

This is a small, but important part of the change and cooperation
we need in our country! We hope to see you there!


"Graffiti Watch" meeting on 19 March 7p.m. at Marbrook

State Representative Deborah Hudson will hold a community "Graffiti Watch" meeting on 19 March 7p.m. at Marbrook Elementary School 2101 Centerville Road Wilmington, DE 19808 ...


Minutes from 12 March

Meeting was call to order by President Charles Stirk at 7pm

Attendance : 14

This included 3 BTCC officers, 10 home owners, a visitor from MarshalltownCC

Officer CPL Browning of the New Castle County Police Department's Community Services Unit came went over the crime report for our development. There were a total of 69 calls made from Jan 1 to Mar 11. He also gave us a non emergency phone number for calling in instead of 911 for general things #573-2800 .

He also went over the Block Watch-Taking Back Our Community- One street at a time. It will take about 30-40 families to get involved to get one set up.

Dave Iliff - talked to us about a park clean up on April 26, 2008 at 9am in morning with a rain date of May 3, 2008.

Treasurers report was given . We have collected so far this year $2,185.00 in dues. Thats a total of 121 home owner paying

Secretary is getting second form for dues waited to past out along with next news letter.

Board of Directors - we need to elect a new board.

Block Captains - we need to get a up dated list made up.

Next Meeting Date was picked - it is April 16, 2008 at Marbrook Elementary School 2101 Centerville Road Wilmington, DE 19808

Also we need to look for a new Treasurer as Joyce would like to give up her position.


Next Meeting & Clean up

The next meeting is 16th of April & amp; the Stream Clean Up is 9 A.M. on the  26th of April .. 


Meeting March 12 at 7pm Marbrook Elementary School

There will be a civic club meeting 7pm March 12 at Marbrook Elementary School 2101 Centerville Road Wilmington, DE 19808 ...

Some items on the agenda are .....

- A representative from the New Castle County Department of Public Safety Community Services Unit will speak

-- David Iliff has volunteered to coordinate a stream clean up in April


Minutes from the last meeting


Election of new officers:

President - Charles C. Stirk Jr
Vice President - Matt Novak
Secretary - William Wheatley
Treasurer - Joyce Grymes

Meeting was called to order at 7:30pm by Susan Rivenbark

Code Violations were gone over by a member of New Castle County

State Rep Debbie Hudson spoke next about Roads, Crime and other country items.

Tim Shelton - Councilman spoke next he discussed the new alarm law, Renter Codes, Vitalof Life #395-8171 Emt Alarm Serice and Senior Rolecall #398-8159

Others things brought up at meeting by neighbors attending were cleaning up the park, Easter Egg Hunt, Yard Sales, Community Watch, Crime Stats, picking of new block captains, and getting new snow plowing bids.

At end of meeting Susan Rivernbark resigned as president after 12 years of service and Rose Swiatek resigned Secretary after 15 years.

A new Date for a meeting was set for March 12