
Can YOU SEE your house numbers/address on your mailbox/house?

Can YOU SEE your house numbers/address 
on your mailbox/house?
Dear New Castle County Residents, When you have lived at the same address for a number of years, you rarely pay any attention to your house numbers (address). 

For Police Officers, EMS, and Fire that may be responding to your house for an emergency, your house numbers are what they are looking for. 

Make it a point, to LOOK at your house numbers to see if: 

 - All of the numbers are still there 

- They are LARGE enough to be seen easily from the street 

- Any landscape vegetation has grown over them limiting there visibility 

If you can see them, 

So can we...

Thank YOU! 

 If not, then we can’t either. 

Please take steps today so we can find you should you need us tomorrow.

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