
WILMAPCO - SR 141 20 Year Transportation and Land Use Plan Project Page

The Route 141 corridor is a major arterial which links City of New Castle to US 202/I-95 near Blue Ball. In many ways the road functions as a western beltway of Wilmington serving local and regional trips. Several other arterials intersect SR 141 such as Kirkwood Highway (SR 2), Concord Pike (US 202) and Newport-Gap Pike (SR 48). Land uses vary along the corridor with a mix of residential types, neighborhood shopping centers, large corporate office campuses, and institutions including a regional hospital. While much of the land adjacent to the roadway is developed, there is a significant amount of development nearby that is recorded but not built.

The objective is to study the SR 141 corridor and:

- Identify key issues, challenges, and opportunities for developing alternative transportation and land use approaches for enhancing mobility, safety, quality of life, and economic vitality in the corridor.
- Develop innovative approaches to managing congestion and growth along the corridor.
- Address near term and long range solutions with an emphasis on strengthening alternative travel    modes and options, travel demand management, integration of sustainable transportation and land use planning
- Seek options and alternatives for promoting more sustainable patterns of development.
- Develop an annual corridor monitoring/plan implementation process
The outcome of the plan will be a consensus-based plan which will guide transportation and land use policy for the corridor over the next twenty years. Consensus building and establishment of stakeholder support for the plan is a key element in this process. This will be accomplished through a facilitated stakeholder outreach process that will include meetings and interactive workshops.  Look for more details on this project in early 2015.

To learn about SR 141 meetings and workshops, please email wilmapco@wilmapco.org.



The Wilmington Area Planning Council (WILMAPCO) is the regional transportation planning agency for Cecil County, Maryland and New Castle County, Delaware.

What Do We Do?

We are a federally required Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) charged with planning and coordinating how we invest federal transportation agencies, state and local governments and the public to ensure that the transportation investments we are making will satisfy the needs of our residents and employers.

Why Do You Need Us?

Our role is to educate and involve the public in the transportation decision-making and funding process. Because the transportation system is designed to serve you, we encourage you to get involved in the planning process.

What Types of Projects Do We Work On?

The transportation system encompasses:
Bike paths
Greenways and More!

We work on creating plans that will help you get around. Transportation helps you get to work, to school, to the store, anywhere you want to go. We need your suggestions on the transportation decisions that affect you, your family and your community.


Free Teen Dating Safety Workshop hosted by Healing with Horses Inc. on Saturday, February 28, 2015, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.

When:  Saturday, February 28, 2015, 9 a.m. 3 p.m.  

Where: Carousel Park & Equestrian Center 3700 Limestone Road
Wilmington, Delaware 19808  

Who: Girls ages 13-18 

Register: Online at www.healingwithhorsesinc.org/events/ or to Leah Awitan at (302) 203-8771 

 If you have questions or comments, please feel free to contact S/Sgt. Mary Devine, Mounted Patrol Commander, at devine@healingwithhorsesinc.org or to her coordinator, Leah Awitan, at Awitan@healingwithhorsesinc.org (302-203-8771).


Lost Dog - Chihuahua named Leo from Virginia Ave

Lost dog a Chihuahua named Leo . 

Leo lives on 213 Virginia Ave near Comunity Fellowship Church . 

"Have you seen a black chihuahua in the neighborhood?  He's missing.  The dogs name is Leo. He's older, can't see very well and is not wearing a collar."

If found please call 302-588-2997  George & Eddie Diaz