
Household and Hazardous Waste Event - Milltown Square

Household and Hazardous Waste Event will be held on November 7th at Frawley Stadium. They will be accepting hazardous waste, shredding documents, and recycling OLD tires (which is a first). Please see www.dswa.com for more information.

Well, it has finally come...

Milltown Square's Preliminary Plan has been submitted to New Castle County Land Use Department. The Exploratory phase is complete and the TIS (Traffic Impact Study) has been completed and accepted by DELDOT. Currently, it is going to be considered at the December 1st Planning Board Meeting, which usually begins at 7 PM in the Gilliam Building located at 77 Reads Way.

A brief description of Milltown Square is a mixed-use plan proposed at the northwest corner of Limestone and Milltown Roads. It is currently zoned Suburban (residential). The plan is asking for it to be rezoned to Commercial. It would consist of three (3) buildings with the first level being retail, second level being office and the third level being residential apartments.

Be prepared to attend the Planning Board Hearing as they give recommendation to New Castle County Council for approval or denial of the plan.

If you have any additional comments or questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office.

Stephanie Rizzo
Legislative Aide to Councilman Sheldon
800 N. French Street
Wilmington, DE 19801

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