
Elevated Blood Lead Levels In Delaware

Map of Elevated Blood Lead Levels In Delaware



The bill that establishes the new Lead Paint Program that will abate lead paint in homes of children with documented elevated blood lead levels, SB 9 w/ SA 1, is on the House Agenda for a floor vote Today!  

Please help remind our legislators this morning that this bill is important and needs to pass.  You can find your Representative’s contact information here:  https://legis.delaware.gov/Chambers/House/AssemblyMembers 

What SB 9 does:

  • Creates the necessary structure in a new Delaware Lead-Based Paint Program to provide lead abatement of housing of children with already-documented elevated blood lead levels.  

    • The funding for this program is already allocated in the Governor’s FY 2024 budget, which has been approved by both chambers.

    • On May 5, 2023 DHSS applied for HUD funding to provide additional future budget support for lead abatement.  

  • Prohibits landlords of properties where the State has paid for lead-based paint abatement from raising rents on those properties for a period of 3 years. 

    • SA 1 Clarifies that the owner of any multi-unit property or property that has been rented to a third party may pay the Delaware State Lead-Based Paint Program’s costs of abatement or remediation and, if the owner does so, the prohibition on rental fee increases does not apply to the owner.

  • Ensures that neither landlords nor local governments present unreasonable delays to the abatement of lead-based paint. 

  • Creates a dedicated fund for abatement and remediation of lead-based paint hazards so that all levels of state government can be held accountable for funding lead-based paint abatement efforts. 

  • Expands the duties of the Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Advisory Committee to include a plan for prompt inspection and, where necessary, abatement or remediation of lead-based paint in all pre-1978 rental properties.

  • Provides for necessary transparency and accountability measures, including annual reporting and oversight by the Childhood Lead Poisoning Advisory Committee. 

  • Sets the action level for a home inspection to correspond with the recommendations of the CDC’s Blood Lead Reference Value, which was lowered from 5 to 3.5 µg/dL in 2021.

What SA1 Does:

  1. Clarifies that the State assumes that when a child has an elevated blood lead level there is exposed lead paint in the house and is, therefore, doing an inspection rather than a risk assessment in the housing unit. 

  2. Clarifies that the owner of any multi-unit property or property that has been rented to a third party may pay the Delaware State Lead-Based Paint Program’s costs of abatement or remediation and, if the owner does so, the prohibition on rental fee increases does not apply to the owner.

Lead abatement is a good investment:

Research published in Environmental Health Perspectives (2009) conservatively determined that in addition to the direct benefits of lead poisoning prevention on childrens’ health, each dollar invested in lead paint hazard control results in a return of $17–$221.  Investment in lead poisoning prevention increases IQ, lifetime earnings, and tax revenue, and reduces spending on special education and criminal activity.”

Incidence of childhood lead poisoning in Delaware:  

In the five-year period between 2017 and 2021, Delaware has documented 1306 children with elevated blood lead levels above the CDC’s Blood Lead Reference Value of 3.5 µg/dL.  The Kids Count Data Center map of childhood lead poisoning shows this to be a statewide issue affecting every county.  Our testing rates are poor, as many children are still not receiving appropriate mandated screenings.  As screening rates improve, it is expected that more children with lead poisoning will be identified.

Housing is an important piece of the puzzle:

Delaware has not published data on the numbers of children with elevated blood lead levels due to lead dust in housing, and does not perform case management for any children with blood lead levels less than 7 µg/dL.  However, we have some indications from national datasets and other states that lead dust in homes is a significant problem.

The 2021 HUD report “American Healthy Homes Survey II Lead Findings” reports that at a national level, 24.6% of homes built between 1960 and 1977 have lead paint; 65.8% of homes built between 1940 and 1959 have lead paint; and 86.2% of homes built before 1940 have lead paint (Table 4-1; page 25).

The State of Maryland Lead Poisoning Prevention Program Annual Report 2020 describes lead dust and lead-based paint hazards in homes by housing age.  In homes built prior to 1950, 28% have lead dust hazards and 34% have lead-based paint hazards; in homes built from 1950 to 1977, 5% have lead dust hazards and 15% have lead-based paint hazards; and in homes built after 1977, 8% have a lead dust hazards and 5% have a lead-based paint hazards.

We can make a tremendous step towards preventing the continuing exposure of lead-poisoned children with SB9, which also initiates the steps necessary for preventing new cases of childhood lead poisoning in Delaware.



Artesian Water Main Leek 609 Ohio Ave, Brookland Terrace Wilmington, DE 19805


Good Afternoon


Thank you for contacting Artesian Water Co. Your  concern was forwarded to our Dispatch Department.


Should you have any further questions or concerns, please contact our Customer Service Department directly at 302 453 6930 or toll free at 800 332-5114 to allow for a member of our Customer Service Team to best assist you with any additional inquires you may have.


***Please Note: This email box is not continually monitored. All inquiries requiring immediate attention must be addressed with our Customer Service Team directly at 302 453 6930 during normal business hours. After hours emergencies should be directed to (800) 332-5114 . ***



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Artesian Water Co

(B) 302 453 6930

(F) 302 453 6998


Del-Dot Streets List - Pot Holes - Utility Repaving
 - Clogged Drainage Ditch - Storm Drain

Del-Dot Streets List   

Pot Holes 

Maine Ave at 600/700 Block Hillside 

512 Armstrong Ave at speed bump Vermont Ave 

2 Albany Place 

2 Maryland.Ave at Centerville Rd 

712 Hillside Ave 


426 Ohio Ave 

Virginia Ave 200-300 Block at Hillside Ave Unit -100 Block

Utility Repaving



501 Armstrong Ave

606 Armstrong Ave ( Artesian Water )


620 Armstrong Ave ( Artesian Water )


605 Ohio ( Artesian Water )


406 Ohio Ave  (New Castle County Sewers)


408 Ohio Ave (New Castle County Sewers)



Storm Drain

712 Hillside Ave 


500 Centerville Rd 


609 Ohio (28 June)



Clogged Drainage Ditch 

320 - 400 Block Brookland Ave 


Brush Overgrowth at Storm Drains at Centerville & Faulkland Road 



Vermont Ave Street sign has faded at 500/600 blocks Hillside Ave

Posible Sanatary Sewer Isue Reported - Unit Block Maryland Ave. & 300/400 Centerville Rd



Flooding at Faulkland Road (Aprox 2106 Faulkland Road ) Silting / Blockages under BR1-145 Del-DOT Bridge Over the Little Mill Creek

 Flooding at Faulkland Road (Aprox 2106 Faulkland Road ) Silting / Blockages under BR1-145 Del-DOT  Bridge Over the Little Mill Creek 


It was god to see so much Del-Dot Activity on 27 June 2023 

AFTER 27 June 2023 Dedaming  :: View From :: Up stream abutment BR1-145 a DelDOT Bridge over the Little Mill Creek at Aprox 2106 Faulkland Road . 

April 2023 Blockages under BR1-145 a DelDOT Bridge over the Little Mill Creek at Aprox 2106 Faulkland Road

Silting Upstream at the Abutment of  BR1-145 constraining the flow of the Little Mill Creek .

Silting Down Stream at Abutment of BR1-145 constraining the flow of the Little Mill Creek .

50’ + Silting Down Stream view from BR1-145 constraining the flow of the Little Mill Creek 

50’ + Silting Up stream view Twords  BR1-145 constraining the flow of the Little Mill Creek .

Map of Location (Aprox 2106 Faulkland Road ) Silting / Blockages under BR1-145 Del-DOT  Bridge Over the Little Mill Creek 

Brookland Terrace Civic ClubUp 200 Hillside Ave 
Wilmington Delaware 19805




 President - Charles C. Stirk Jr       
      302.463.2239  brooklandterrace@gmail.com

      Vice President-Treasurer - Larry Horrocks
302.545.7877  lgha1@aol.com

Secretary - Elsie De Prisco 
302.377.3999 elsiez24@yahoo.com

 Serjeant-at-Arms - Charlie Farrall

 Chaplain - Elizabeth K. Stirk 
302.999.7733   ekstirk@yahoo.com

Board Of Directors

Sharon Davis
302.994.1642   hotwhips@netzero.com

Debbie Hawke 

Heather Wiktorowicz

Brian A Covenko
484.325.1200 bcovenko@gmail.com


Del-Dot Streets List - Pot Holes - Utility Repaving
 - Clogged Drainage Ditch - Storm Drain

Del-Dot Streets List   

Pot Holes 

Maine Ave at 600/700 Block Hillside 

512 Armstrong Ave at speed bump Vermont Ave 

2 Albany Place 

2 Maryland.Ave at Centerville Rd 

712 Hillside Ave 


426 Ohio Ave 

Virginia Ave 200-300 Block at Hillside Ave Unit -100 Block

Utility Repaving



501 Armstrong Ave

606 Armstrong Ave ( Artesian Water )


620 Armstrong Ave ( Artesian Water )


406 Ohio Ave  (New Castle County Sewers)


408 Ohio Ave (New Castle County Sewers)



Storm Drain

712 Hillside Ave 


500 Centerville Rd

Clogged Drainage Ditch 

320 - 400 Block Brookland Ave 


Brush Overgrowth at Storm Drains at Centerville & Faulkland Road 



Vermont Ave Street sign has faded at 500/600 blocks Hillside Ave