Park Clean Up - 9 April 9AM - NCC Woodland Run Park Condition Map Updated 21 Feb 2022
Park Clean Up - 9 April 9AM
We will be cleaning up litter from the creek as usual & In addition we will be collecting & chipping up the downed brush from over winter . Meeting at the playground 9AM .
Brush Cutters , Saws , Clippers , Loppers , Tractors , Backhoes , Lawn Trailers ,
… Et cetera All Needed & Appreciated
In 2020 we had quite a few homes with sewer back flow issues in ours & adjacent communities, due to flooding of Little Mill Creek overwhelming the sewer mains in Woodland Run Park . Last year, 2021, our community did significant deferred maintenance catch up,brush clean up & chipping . NCC & DelDot cleared many of the blockages & entrances to drainage ditches & bridges . Due to these efforts in 2021 we had no significant Little Mill Creek flooding in NCC Woodland Run Park , Great Job done by all ! Thank You !
We are again cleaning up & chipping as much brush as we can as a flood preventative measure ; please come out & help