
31March 7PM Constituent Meeting with Sen. Spiros Mantzavinos

Friends and neighbors,

Please join me on Wednesday, March 31, for my next virtual constituent meeting. We will be joined by DelDOT for a conversation about the different projects that are planned and underway in the 7th District. I look forward to seeing you all there!

Sign up here: tiny.cc/SD-7

Thank you,
Spiros Mantzavinos
Senator, District 7


BTCC Spring Flyer - Park Clean Up 24 April 9AM - 1st of May Comunity Yard Sale - Next BTCC Zoom Meetings 1June 7:30 PM Tues.


Park Clean Up - 24 April 9AM  

We be cleaning up litter from the creek as usual .

In addition we will be chipping up the downed brush from over winter ,
thanks to a grant from Councilman Timothy Sheldon .

Brush Cutters , Saws , Clippers , Loppers , Tractors , Backhoes , Lawn Trailers  ,
Trucks to Tow Chippers … Et cetera  All Needed & Appreciated  

In The Past Year we had homes with sewer back flow issues in ours & adjacent communities ,  Due to flooding of Little Mill Creek over whelming the sewer mains in Woodland Run Park .

We are cleaning up brush as we can a flood preventative measure ,
please come out & help

1st of May Community Yard Sale

With Woodland Park & Woodland Heights

Next BTCC Zoom Meeting 1June & 7Sept 2021 7:30 PM Tues.

Other Spring  Reminders
- Leash Your Dogs & Clean Up Their Waste. 

- Lock Your Car Doors & Keep Free Of Valuables

- Abandoned / Untagged Car Are On NCCPD Radar 

- Reminder No Motorized Vehicles in the Park 

Brookland Terrace Civic Club - Contacts

- President - Charles C. Stirk Jr      
          302.463.2239 brooklandterrace@gmail.com

- Vice President / Treasurer - Larry Horrocks
302.545.7877 lgha1@aol.com

- Secretary - Elsie De Prisco
302.377.3999 elsiez24@yahoo.com


-Sergeant-at-Arms - Charlie Farrall

- Chaplain - Elizabeth Stirk
302.999.7733 ekstirk@yahoo.com

Board Of Directors

- Debbie Hawke

-Heather Wiktorowicz

-Sharon Davis

-Brian A Covenko

484.325.1200 bcovenko@gmail.com
