DSCYF - Ferris EVMS (Electronic Variable Message Sign) 141 & Faulkland Road
Topic: DSCYF LED Sign Meeting Follow Up
Time: Mar 16, 2021 05:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Draft agreement letter
DSCYF - Ferris EVMS (Electronic Variable Message Sign) 141 & Faulkland Road
THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT OF NEW CASTLE COUNTY will hold a public hearing utilizing ZOOM Meetings on Thursday, March 18, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. The appropriate weblink, call-in number(s) and meeting ID number can be found at: www. newcastlede.gov/389/Board-of-Adjustment
Council District 2
Project # 20210011
1825 Faulkland Road, Wilmington, DE 19805. Area variances: 1. To maintain a 23 square foot ground
identification sign along the Faulkland Road right-of-way (20-square foot maximum sign area) see UDC Table 40.06.060. 2. To permit 1 additional identification ground sign along Centre Road right-of-way (1 wall or ground identification sign per building section) see UDC Table 40.06.060. 2. To permit a 54 square foot identification ground sign with a 37 square feet of EVMS (Electronic Variable Message Sign) portion along the Centre Road right-of-way (20-square foot maximum sign area) see UDC Table 40.06.060. 3. To maintain 4, 7 square foot instructional signs (4-square foot for instructional signs) see UDC Section 40.06.040.A.2. 4. To maintain a 32 square foot campus map instructional sign (4-square foot for instructional signs) see UDC Section 40.06.040.A.2. 5. To maintain a 71 square foot campus map instructional sign (4-square foot for instructional signs) see UDC Section 40.06.040.A.2. 6. To maintain a 12 square foot instructional sign (4-square foot for instructional signs) see UDC Section 40.06.040.A.2. 7. To maintain a 29 square foot instructional sign (4-square foot for instructional signs) see UDC Section 40.06.040.A.2. 8. To maintain a 21 square foot instructional sign (4-square foot for instructional signs) see UDC Section 40.06.040.A.2. Hes Sign Services Inc. SR Zoning. CD 2. (App 2021-0011-A) TP 07-032.30-010.