
Certificate Of Incorporation And Constitution & By-Laws Of Brookland Terrace Civic Club

 Certificate Of Incorporation And Constitution & By-Laws Of Brookland Terrace Civic Club

Full Text 




    The name of this corporation is BROOKLAND TERRACE CIVIC CLUB.

    The nature of the business and the objects and purposes to be transacted, promoted and carried on are; to promote the general welfare of Brookland Terrace, and all residents therefor; to provide Brookland Terrace with an efficient organization pledged to service and dedicated to the principle that "better citizens make better communities;" to promote, encourage, and assist any worthwhile movement that would benefit Brookland terraced and the residents thereof; and to render service to the County of New Castle, to the State of Delaware, and to the United States of America; promote the adoption and professional standards, and to develop by precept and example a more intelligent, aggressive and serviceable citizen.

    To enter into, make and perform contracts of every kind for any lawful purpose, without limit as to amount, with any person, firm, association or corporation, town, city, country, state, territory or government.

    The said corporation shall not have any capital stock.

    This Corporation is to have perpetual existence .

    The affairs of this corporation shell be conducted by the officers and persons as provided for by the By-Laws of said Club, and such officers and persons shell be chosen at the times and places, and in the manner fixed by the laws of the state of Delaware, and by the By-Laws of said Club.

    The corporation may become seized and possessed of either real or personal property to the value of Fifty Thousand Dollars.

    The amount of indebtedness which said corporation may at any time incur shall be fixed by the By-Laws, but at no time shall the indebtedness or liability of the said corporation exceed the sum of Fifty Thousand Dollars.

    The private property of the incorporators or the members of said club shall not be liable for the payment of corporate debts to any extent whatever.

    this corporation reserves the right to amend, alter, change or repeal any provision contained in this certificate of incorporation in the manner now or hereafter prescribed by law and all rights conferred on officers, directors and members, herein are granted subject to this reservation.

        WE THE UNDERSIGNED, being all of incorporators, for the purpose of forming a corporation in pursuance to an act of the legislature of the state of     delaware entitled "An Act Providing General Corporation Law" (approved March 10, 1899) and the acts amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto, do     make and file this certificate of incorporation. hereby declaring and certifying that the facts herein stated are true, and accordingly hereunto have set our     respective hands and seals this 29th day of July, A.D., 1940.

    In the presence of:


    FREDERICK MILLER ..............................(SEAL)

    GERTRUDE M. MILLER ..............................(SEAL)

    ROLAND M. ANDERSON .............................(SEAL)

    HARRIET M. ADKINSON .............................(SEAL)




    The name of this organization shall be the BROOKLAND TERRACE CIVIC CLUB.



    Section 1. To promote the general welfare of Brookland Terrace and all residents thereof.
    Section 2. to provide Brookland Terrace with an efficient organization pledged to service and dedicated to the principle that " better citizens make better communities."
    Section 3. To promote, encourage, or assist any worthwhile movement that would benefit Brookland Terrace wand the residents thereof.

Article III


    Any man of woman who has completed his or her eighteenth year and is willing to subscribe to Article Two of the By-Laws is eligible to apply for membership.

Article IV


    Section 1. The officers of the organization shall consist of a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, A Sergeant-at-arms, a Chaplain, and a Board of Directors.

Article V

Territory Included

    Brookland Terrace shall include all that section of Christiania Hundred, New Castle County and State of Delaware, as bounded and described according to the plan of Brookland Terrace as recorded in the office for the recording of Deeds, in and for New Castle County, at Wilmington. Membership is also open to interested people from surrounding communities.


Rules For Amending

    An amendment to this Constitution may be presented at any regular meeting to be acted upon at the next regular meeting. A two-thirds majority of those present and voting is required to adopt the proposed amendment.



Duties and Terms Of Officers

    Section 1. The officers shall be elected at the  regular meeting in may and shall take office at the next regular meeting, serving for one year. In case a vacancy occurs in any office it shall be filled by the board of directors, excepting the office of President, and the person so chosen shall serve only to the end of the unexpired term

    A vacancy in the office of the President shall be filled by the vice-president who automatically becomes President for the unexpired term. A vacancy in the office of vice-president shall be filled by the board of directors as heretofore stated.

    Section 2. The president shall preside at all meetings of the organization and of the board of directors. He shall appoint all committees and be an ex-officio member of all committees. He shall together with the treasurer, sign all checks. In the absence of the president, the vice-president shall preside at meetings.

    Section 3. The Vice President shall fill the office of president at any time that the president may be absent or unable to fulfill the duties of his office.

    Section 4. the secretary shall keep a record of all the meetings of the organization and of the board of directors. he shall prepare and keep on file a correct list of names, addresses and pertinent biographical date of all members. he shall be responsible for notifying members of all meetings and collect and pay over to the treasurer all dues or assessments levied on members.

    Section 5. the treasurer shall deposit any dues or assessments received from the secretary in a wilmington banking institution. together with the president, he shall sign all checks or vouchers or disburse cash of the organization on order of the board of directors, and keep a correct record of all monies collected or disbursed.

    Section 6. the sergeant-at-arms shall assist in maintaining order at all meetings and shall have the further responsibility to see that only member, and guests of members, are admitted to any and all meetings.

    Section 7. the chaplain shall conduct and read all prayers at any and all meetings and social functions of the organization. he shall act as spiritual advisor at all times.


Board Of Directors

    Section 1. The Board of Directors shall consist of nine members including six officers of the organization. a quorum of five shall be necessary for the transaction of business.

    Section 2. The board of directors shall expedite in every possible way the business of the organization. it shall prepare a program in advance for each regular meeting and shall act in the name of the organization during intervals between regular meetings. this board shall meet at the call of the president.


Standing Committees

    Section 1. there shall be the following standing committees appointed by the president, each to serve one year:

    (a) Membership Committee. duty of this committee is to solicit and investigate all applications for membership, and after a thorough examination refer all applications at the next regular meeting of the organization. any applicant approved by a majority vote of the members present, shall be admitted to membership.
    (b) Attendance Committee. Duty of this committee is to assist the secretary in securing full attendance at meetings.

    (c) Entertainment Committee. Duty of this committee is to arrange all social programs of the organization and provide appropriate entertainment and programs to increase interest in attendance at meetings.

    (d) Nominating Committee. Duty of this committee is to prepare a slate of officers and present same to the secretary in time to be sent out to members in the notice for the regular meeting in may.

    (e) Auditing Committee. the newly elected president shall immediately appoint an auditing committee which shall audit the books of the organization and report thereon at the meeting of installation of officers.

Article IV

Section 1. Nominations are presented by the Nominating Committee at the regular meeting in May . Additional nominations for any office can be made from the floor by any member .

Section 2. Elections shell be healed on the same day of nominations are made ( the regular meeting in May ) and may be oral or , if a contest is held and any member so request , secret ballot may be used . Candidate receiving the highest number of votes for any office shall be declared elected to that office

Section 3. All newly elected officers shall be officially installed at the regular meeting in June .

Article V

    Any one intoxicated shall be barred from any and all meetings and no intoxicating drink shall be permitted in the meetings room.

Article VI

Meetings And Order of Business

    Section 1. there shall be regular quarterly meetings

    Section 2. the order of business, unless changed by vote of those present, shall be as follows:

    1. roll call officers

    2. reading and adoption of minutes of previous meeting.

    2. voting on new members

    4. Introduction of new members previously admitted.

    5. treasurers report.

    6. reports of standing committees

    7. reports of special committees

    8. old and unfinished business.

    9. reading of communications and presentation of bills.

    10. new business, including entertainment or special program.

    11. payment of dues.

    12. for the good of the club.

    13. adjournment



    Section 1. yearly dues shall be $15.00 per home .

    Section 2. anyone six months in arrears in the payment of dues shall be suspended from membership and such suspension shall continue until such time as the dues shall have been paid in full


    A quorum of 5 members shall be necessary for the transaction of any business at either a special or regular meeting.


    These by-laws may be amended by a majority vote at any regular meeting, provided notice of such proposed amendment is given to the secretary in time     to be included in regular notice sent to members calling such regular meeting.


Special Meeting 29 Oct. Thurs 7PM Topic: Flooding Woodland Run Park & Sewer Blowback Issues Woodland Park : Third Follow Up Zoom Meeting

BTCC WHCA & WPCA is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Special Meeting 29 Oct. Thurs 7PM Topic: Flooding Woodland Run Park & Sewer Blowback Issues Woodland Park : Third Follow Up Zoom Meeting 

Time: Oct 29, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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Marbrook School Zone Blinking Light Blocked By Tree Limb NB 400 BLOCK Centerville RD At Maryland Ave Reported to Del-DOT


Marbrook School Zone Blinking Light  Blocked By Tree Limb NB 400 BLOCK Centerville RD At Maryland Ave Reported to Del-DOT 

Addressed 20 Oct 2020


Special Meeting 29 Oct. Thurs 7PM Topic: Flooding Woodland Run Park & Sewer Blowback Issues Woodland Park : Third Follow Up Zoom Meeting

BTCC WHCA & WPCA is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Special Meeting 29 Oct. Thurs 7PM Topic: Flooding Woodland Run Park & Sewer Blowback Issues Woodland Park : Third Follow Up Zoom Meeting 

Time: Oct 29, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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Meeting ID: 898 692 4710

Passcode: 12345

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        +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
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        +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
        +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 898 692 4710
Passcode: 12345
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COVID-19 Guidance for Communities and Families: Stay Safe this Halloween - Traditional door-to-door trick-or-treating in which treats are handed out to each child should not take place this year and need to be avoided.

- Traditional door-to-door trick-or-treating in which treats are handed out to each child should not take place this year and need to be avoided.


COVID-19 Guidance for Communities and Families: Stay Safe this Halloween

There are many ways to celebrate Fall this year including safe Halloween activities. Protect yourself and your household by knowing your risk. The Delaware Division of Public Health offers the following tips to help you safely enjoy all that the season has to offer.

IMPORTANT: Individuals who have recently tested positive for COVID-19 and who are currently isolating from others, as well as those individuals who have recently been exposed to a person with COVID-19, should not participate in any in-person Halloween festivities and should not give out candy to trick-or-treaters in any of the following scenarios.

Many traditional Halloween activities can be high-risk for spreading viruses. There are several safer, alternative ways to participate in Halloween.

Consider low risk activities:

This might be the Halloween to stay home, enjoy some quiet time with a fresh apples and nutritious snacks (OK, maybe some candy) and consider some family activities. Activities that can be done at home with members of your household will pose less risk than traditional trick- or-treating.

  • Pumpkin carving and decorating your home

  • Hosting a virtual costume contest, Halloween get together or drive-by decoration

    viewing with friends and neighbors

  • Having a Halloween movie marathon

  • Having a scavenger hunt (think Easter Egg hunt) in and around your home rather than

    going house to house.

    Protect yourself during moderate risk activities

    Traditional trick-or-treating poses some additional risk because of all the hands in the candy bowls. If you choose to take part in some traditional Halloween activities, make sure to modify the activities and take precautions to lower risk.

  • Wear face coverings at all times. (Hint: Most Halloween masks are NOT protective enough to be considered face coverings)

  • Provide treats without direct contact. For example, you could place individual treat portions on your porch and interact with treaters from at least 6 feet away with

Revised 10/1/2020

everyone wearing a face covering or through a window. Make sure to sanitize your

hands between treat handling.

  • Host open-air, socially distant gatherings. Don’t bob for apples.

  • Find a farm where you can pick-your-own pumpkins or apples. Be sure to frequently

    sanitize, wear a face covering, and maintain 6-feet social distancing from individuals who don’t reside in your own household. If you visit a farm, store or stand, make sure it is one that is requiring everyone kindergarten age and up to wear face coverings and is taking other steps to keep people socially distanced and safe. The Delaware Department of Agriculture has developed guidance that can be found here: https://agriculture.delaware.gov/communications-marketing/buy-local-delaware-guide/

  • Attend trunk-or-treat events with proper social distancing and face covering requirements in place along with other precautions. Larger events (more than 250 people) must have a DPH-approved plan (plans may be submitted to hspcontact@delaware.gov)

    Avoid high-risk activities, where face coverings and other requirements are not enforced. People involved in gatherings or activities that are not in compliance with current restrictions may be at risk for penalties or administrative actions.

  • Traditional door-to-door trick-or-treating in which treats are handed out to each child should not take place this year and need to be avoided.

  • Trunk-or-treat events should not be conducted unless there is a process in place to maintain social distancing between families and enforce the use of non-costume mask face coverings. Larger events (more than 250 people) require a plan to be approved by DPH (plans may be submitted to hspcontact@delaware.gov).

  • Avoid hayrides with people from outside of your household unless everyone is wearing a face covering and is 6 feet apart from non-household members.

  • All indoor activities with people outside of your household should be avoided, including: o Any indoor parties, like costume parties.
    o Indoor haunted houses unless they have proper precautions in place. Larger

    attractions (more than 250 people) must have a DPH-approved plan.

Revised 10/1/2020