
NCC Elsmere Library Closing ? What can you do?

NCC Elsmere Library Closing ? 

What Can You Do?
Contact Your Elected NCC Officials

NCC County Executive Meyer mmeyer@nccde.org 302-395-5101
NCC Councilman  Tim Sheldon  tpsheldon@nccde.org 302-395-8349

Voice Your Opinion In Public

NCC Budget Update Town Hall Wednesday, May 2, 6 p.m. at Stanton Middle School, 1800 Limestone Road

Use the Library - It is free

Elsmere Library 30 Spruce Ave. Wilmington, DE 19805
Monday 10:00am - 8:00pm
Tuesday 12:00pm - 8:00pm
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 12:00pm - 8:00pm
Friday 10:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday 10:00am - 5:00pm
Sunday Closed

Current Elsmere Library Events

Tell Others about how easy it is  use the FREE NCC Elsmere Library 

Fun Fact the NCC Elsmere FREE Library is 1# in DVD loans in the NCC Library System
New DVD April Arrivals

NCC Town Hall 2May 6 p.m. at Stanton Middle School - with the County Executive

NCC Budget Update Town Hall Wednesday, May 2, 6 p.m. at Stanton Middle School, 1800 Limestone Road.

 With the NCC County Executive Meyer

 Contact & Links


7 Reads Way New Castle, DE 19720

NCC Town Hall with the County Executive Wilmington“Please join us for a town hall in your community to learn about steps we are taking to restore fiscal responsibility to county government and provide high quality critical services that save lives, protect the public health and drive our high quality of life,” County Executive Meyer said. “Bring your questions and participate in the conversation.”
Visit www.facebook.com/nccde/events to get more details for each town hall, and check this site for additional town halls as they are confirmed.
Contact: Jason Miller, Director of Communications, 302-545-1462

Thursday, April 26, 7 p.m. at Talleyville Memorial Hall, 2919 Concord Pike, Talleyville
Monday, April 30, 6 p.m. at New Castle County Gilliam Building, 77 Reads Way, New Castle
Tuesday, May 1, 6 p.m. at Delaware City Fire Hall, 815 5th Street, Delaware City
Wednesday, May 2, 6 p.m. at Stanton Middle School, 1800 Limestone Road, Wilmington
Thursday, May 3, 6 p.m. at Minquadale Fire Hall, 129 E. Hazeldell Ave., New Castle
Monday, May 14, 7 p.m. at Townsend Fire Hall, 107 Main Street, Townsend
Tuesday, May 15, 6 ,p.m. at Aetna Fire Hall, 400 Ogletown Road, Newark
Thursday, May 17, 6 p.m. at Salesianum School, Longwood Lecture Hall, 1801 N. Broom Street, Wilmington

New Castle, DE – County Executive Matt Meyer presents his administration’s proposed Fiscal Year 2019 budget plan to members of New Castle County Council. The annual budget presentation takes place in the County Council Chambers on the first floor of the Louis L. Redding Building, 800 North French Street, Wilmington. All members of the public are invited to attend. Additionally, the budget presentation will be streamed live on the County’s Facebook page at www.facebook.com/nccde.

Beginning Wednesday, March 28, the County Executive hits the road with members of County Council to discuss the Fiscal Year 2019 budget with residents in community town halls in every council district. Each town hall features an informational presentation and a review of the County’s fiscal challenges, followed by a question and answer session and discussion about County priorities as work is under way to enact a balanced budget.

Reported to Del-Dot -Sign Worn to Unreadable 700 Centerville RD at Newell Drive- fixed 7 May 2018

fixed 7 May 2018

Reported to Del-Dot Shade Broken on School zone single 700 Centerville at Newell Dr / Fixed 26 April

Fixed 26 April 2018

Repored to Del-Dot Storm drain cover Askew 2900 Block Centre - Ferris Road with 6’ drop -Hazzard for anyone walking around the area especially for Del-Dot Personal - Fixed week of 11 June 2018

- Fixed week of 11 June 2018 

Safety Barrel added 26 April 2018 

Go Team Del-Dot

Storm drain cover Askew 2900 Block Centre - Ferris Road with 6’ drop -Hazzard for anyone walking around the area espec for Del-Dot Personal


Del-Dot Streets List April 2018

Del-Dot Spring Street Repairs List
Reported March 2018

-Pothole 112 North Woodward Ave Wilm DE 19805

-Curb Sinking at 110 North Woodward Ave. 19805

Reported April 2018

-Pothole 512 Armstrong Ave At Vermont Ave 17April 2018 fixed week of 16April


-Walnut Ave & 141 / 2600 Centre - Ferris RD Light pole fixture - Del-DOT property - still broken , Reported 24July 2017/ Fixture repaired 30March2018 -Base fixed 9April repair
- Sink Hole Repair - With Curb , Storm Drain & Repaving 100 Block Hillside
- Curb Work at Storm Drain North Woodward at Virginia Ave.


NCC Woodland RunAnnual ParkCleanUp

B.T.C.C. Annual ParkCleanUp

Saturday 21 April 9AM

Trash Bags & some pick up sticks will be provided .

Bring Gloves

We will gather 9 AM at the playground.

For more info contact Chuck 302-463-2239  brooklandterrace@gmail.com


Streetlight outage reported to DPL 141 Centre Ferris Road at North Woodward

Streetlight outage reported to DPL 141 Centre Ferris Road at North Woodward Ave

Order #: 1294039
Location: 104 North Woodward Avenue Wilmington,DE  19805
Pole #: 46669/43222


DPL Streetlight outage repored 418 Centerville Road

Order #: 1291768
Location: 418 Centerville Road Wilmington,DE  19808
Pole #: 46513/43258

In most cases the streetlight will be repaired within 15 days. An email confirmation will be sent when this streetlight service request has been completed.

Please contact us at https://www.delmarva.com/forms/dpl/other/contactus.aspx with any questions or concerns. Streetlight outage repored 418 Centerville Road


Del-Dot Spring Street Repairs List March 2008

Reported March 2018
-Pothole. 2 Trenton Wilm DE 19805 /filled 5April 2018
-Pothole. Vermont At Centerville  2 Vermont AveWilm DE 19805/filled 5April 2018
-Pothole 112 North Woodward Ave Wilm DE 19805
-Pothole at  425 Armstrong Ave Wilm DE 19805/filled 5April 2018repaved 11April2018
-Curb Sinking at 110 North Woodward Ave. 19805

Reported April 2018
-Pothole 512 Armstrong Ave At Vermont Ave

-Walnut Ave & 141 / 2600 Centre - Ferris RD Light pole fixture - Del-DOT property - still broken , Reported 24July 2017/ Fixture repaired 30March2018 -Base fixed 9April repair
- Sink Hole Repair - With Curb , Storm Drain & Repaving 100 Block Hillside
- Curb Work at Storm Drain North Woodward at Virginia Ave.