Working Group Meeting Synopsis
SR 141, Landscaping, Kirkwood Highway to Faulkland Road
Contract No. T200910601
March 7, 2011
Purpose of Working Group
The purpose of the working group is to assist DelDOT with the development of the landscape plan for SR 141. This will entail review of plant material; determining the location of planting areas; providing input on landscaping concepts; and working with the Department to identify private funding sources and commitments for maintenance.
The project has been budgeted at $500,000.00.
Construction of the Landscaping is scheduled to begin during spring 2012.
Limitations of project will be four to five acres.
Project Goals
· Develop a sustainable landscape plan that provides aesthetic enhancement to the corridor.
1. Due to safety issues, DelDOT is uncomfortable with a private group maintaining the median – therefore maintenance (if required) will be done by DelDOT as part of their normal mowing schedule.
2. Plantings may consist of low growth grasses. The feasibility of including low maintenance perennial beds consisting of native plant species may also be investigated.
3. Options of having the median filled with pavers instead of landscape plantings was brought up and discussed by the group. DelDOT representatives made the point that the landscape budget for the project is $500,000 and would most likely be expended, or possibly exceeded, if this concept is pursued.
4. Trees will not be incorporated within the median due to maintenance and safety issues.
· Meet the tree replacement requirements in the “Tree Bill”.
1. (What are the specifics of the Tree Bill for this project – to plant two for every one removed?)
Our planting requirements for this project are determined by acreage since we removed more than 50 trees from the site. We must replant 225 square feet for each tree removed. 232 trees were removed, multiplied by 225 square feet per tree, equates to 52,200 square feet (1.2 acres) of reforestation planting required. By planting larger caliper street trees and receiving credit for them, we will be able to reduce the amount of reforestation plantings required. The exact combination of street trees and reforestation plantings to meet the Tree Bill requirements will be determined as the design process continues.
· Develop a plan that minimizes the required maintenance and provides easy and safe access for private groups to perform maintenance.
· Along the area by the pond – to reforest the area with trees in an effort to enhance the existing forested area along the stream and provide a naturalized planting scheme. These plantings will also help fulfill the tree replacement requirements of the “Tree Bill.”
· Along the east side of Route 141 there will be street tree plantings with attention given to utility lines (both above and below ground).
· JMT’s Landscape Architect utilized an aerial photograph of the project site to identify areas available for landscape enhancements. Overlays to the aerial photograph described specific landscape concepts to be discussed by the group. As a result of the discussions, the following specific points were emphasized by the group.
· The newly created planting strips along the west side of SR141 between Woodward Avenue and East Brookland Avenue should be maintained as mowable turf. The group requested that street trees not be planted in an effort to maximize the sight distance available for residents leaving their communities and accessing SR141.
· The residential properties along the east side of SR141 may have landscape plantings installed that visually screen the roadway from their view. The plantings may be installed within the available public right-of-way and may include evergreen and deciduous species. The intent is to provide native plants that will enhance the existing forested areas and reduce the area of regular mowing required by DelDOT.
· The group expressed a concern for headlight glare of vehicles traveling south along Montgomery Road directly adjacent to the northbound lanes of SR141. We will investigate the feasibility of providing landscape plantings that may reduce the glare issue, however, sight distance must be maintained.
· Members of the community have witnessed large vehicles driving over the median at the intersection of Montgomery Road and SR141. Apparently, vehicles with larger turning radii have attempted to turn onto Montgomery Road from SR141 and have been unable to avoid the median. The group has suggested that signing be installed to deter these maneuvers and that the median be filled with pavers instead of landscape plantings.
· A combination of evergreen and deciduous trees and shrubs may be planted as screening for residents along the east side of SR141.
· Determine maintenance responsibilities and enter into a maintenance agreement with private entities by May, 2011.
· JMT’s Landscape Architect will take document the suggestions/concerns of the residents begin to develop a complete final draft of the landscaping plan to be presented for final consideration to group. The date of the next meeting will be scheduled following the completion of the draft plan.