Meeting was called to order at 7 pm - pledge was done.
Attendance was as follows:
39 in all: Officers 4
Home Owners: 32
Guests: 3 - 2 Reps from Gordy Estates
Delaware State Trooper Cpl-2 Dzielak from Troop 6
COMMUNITY YARD SALE date was approved for May 22 from 9 to 3 for the hours. Will be posted on Craigslist, News Journal and two other on line sites.
PET ISSUES: still few complaints about people not picking up after their dogs in the community and when they walk their dogs in park.
Also complaints about dogs being put out at night and them barking all night.
ANNUAL PARK CLEAN UP - park clean up was done with little or no problems. Not as much trash this year as in previous years. Awards are to be made up for the girl scout troop that did community service to earn a badge.
BLOCK WATCH: we had a attempted burglary which was stopped by several neighbors. Home owner was in attendance and give us pictures of the person who tried to break in. Their is a active warranty for this person so anyone seeing Kyle Hendricks in the neighbor they are to call the people at once.
ATV and MOTOR VEHICLES: there are still complaints about these being road on the streets and in the park. If you see one call 911 they are against the law to be ridden in either the community or the park.
SPEEDING IN THE COMMUNITY: the speed limit in the community is 25 miles. Yes we have a lot of out of neighbor traffic but a lot of our neighbors break this speed limit. Please lets drive slower as we have lots of new children in our community.
STREETS: 141 project is to be completed in the fall of this year 2010. Street lights along 141 have been out due to damage done by the wet weather we have had- the problem is being corrected.
POT HOLE: the pot hole made by Artesian Water at Brookland and Ohio street is being taken care of they have come back filled it in again and when it settles they will re pave the spot.
CHANGE OF STREET NAME - a petition will be taken around to the home owners to sign to get name of Centre Road officially changed to be Centre-Ferris Rd. This is being done as it is now listed as Center Rd, Ferris Rd, Greenbank Rd on several county and state sites. With this being done by the county they will update the sites an we will not have problems with police, fire departments or emergency personnel finding homes.
GRAFFITI - not much in our community directly any more - Chuck and Phil with the boys doing community service cleaned up stone wall on Ferris Rd section in the 2400 hundred block on Sunday May 2 with the new farrow machine.
CRIME REPORT: Vice President Phil Weir give crime report.
Cpl Dzielak from Troop 6 spoke about attempted break in in the 2900 block of Centre-Ferris road. Told us that there is still a open warrant for Kyle. So anyone knowing where he is should contact people.
Speed enforcement was discussed with Pl Diehl for Centre-Ferris Road, which speed limit is 35. We where told that they will be enforcing the speed limit.
COMMUNITY COOK OUT: Which was held on 5-1-2010 in the party had about 30 people in attendance. There where hamburger, hot dogs, sodas, coffee, water and some good music. Thanks was given to Phil Weir and Elsie Johns for thinking of having a start of the year cook out.
ParkPlayTime will continue a week day will bit sorted out
COMMUNITY ANNIVERSITY PARTY: the date of July 31, 2010 is the date for the anniversary party for Civic Clubs 70th year. We are asking the community to come down play kick ball, bad mitten, horse shoes, and more. We are asking that each family let us know what kind of cover dish they would like to bring. We are going to make up a flier to be deliver to each house with a follow up visit to confirm the count and the covered dish that is being brought. This way the civic club will know how many burgers hot dogs etc.
Also there is to be no alcohol beverages allow in park.
TREASURES REPORT: Treasurer Joyce Grymes give us the report as to what we have in checking account , savings and the balance of the graffiti money gave to our community for continuing clean up.
DUES PAID: As of the day of the meeting 95 home owners/renters had paid dues. Had one pay at the meeting.
TREE AT END OF ARMSTRONG: Large pine tree on left corner if going out of development on Armstrong make it hard to see. We are going to call Del Dot to see if the will either trim the tree or remove it.
TREE AT 300 BROOKLAND AVE : New Castle County will be taking down marked trees
ELECTION OF OFFICERS: It was moved to keep the officers as they are
President - Charles Stirk
Vice President - Phil Weir
Secretary - William Wheatley
Treasurer - Joyce Grymes
Sergeant at Arms -Charles Farrell
Chaplain - Edith Cycyk
Board Members:
Lu Ann Smith
Michael Phillips
Jesse Yarrusso
There was a election of a new board member whom is to replace Jesse Yarrusso whom is moving to Florida. We wished him all the best. The new board member elected was Elsie Johns.
NEW BLOCK CAPTAINS: We are working on this so that the passing out of community flier will be done by members of the community multiple people volunteered .
Meeting ended at 8 pm.