
Graffiti Clean Up

William , Paul & Chuck did a bit of graffiti clean up today ....

All the graffiti was marker pens ..

All the Graffiti came off easy ..

Neighbors Rally to Tackle Greenville/Centreville Graffiti

On Saturday morning, May 23, concerned neighbors of the Stonewold community gathered to address a growing local problem: ugly, unsightly graffiti that mars road signs, trees and fences along beautiful country lanes including Barley Mill and Centerville Roads.

Local anti-graffiti brigade co-leaders Charles Stirk and William Wheatley were on hand to train the Stonewold residents on graffiti cleaning tactics and methods, including the need to work safely along the curvy nearby roads.

“We’ve got real momentum locally in addressing this problem as more and more citizens in the community get involved and learn how to take action into their own hands,” said Stirk, president of the Brookland Terrace Civic Club. “With sustained, coordinated effort, we can really make a positive impact sign-by-sign, street-by-street.”

The Stonewold crew cleaned street signs, guardrails and trees along Barley Mill Road, Centerville Road, Rte. 82/Campbell Road and Owl’s Nest Road.

Kirsten Hauer and her daughter Ava spent the morning driving along Barley Mill Road carefully cleaning road signs. "I live and work in this community and don't like seeing this every day on my way to the office," said Hauer. "This was a great way to chip in and address a real scourge on our beautiful landscape."

Michael Fleming, an organizer of the effort, said in years past his neighbors had gathered for traditional community cleanups but this year wanted to focus on fighting graffiti. “We’re blessed to live in such a beautiful area and the senseless graffiti is so ugly and unsightly, it cannot be ignored. This was a great way for neighbors to get together and try and make a dent in a nasty problem.”

“I commend these efforts and others like them across our community,” said County Councilman Bob Weiner, a leader in the fight against graffiti in Brandywine Hundred and Greenville. “By getting engaged and working together citizens can have a real impact in turning back this blight on our streets, shopping centers and neighborhoods.”

Chuck Stirk recommends simple ways everyone can address this growing problem:

-If you see graffiti, quickly call it in to the Police or DelDOT.

-Graffiti needs to be cleaned quickly; the longer it sits, the harder it is to clean.

-Safe, natural cleaning products are available at local hardware stores.

-Stay clear of Del- Dot Traffic Control Devises , power lines, utility boxes, etc.

For more information about tackling graffiti in your neighborhood, please contact:

brooklandterrace@gmail.com, or 302.463.2239




Construction Advisory Group Route 141 – Kirkwood Highway to Faulkland Road MEETING MINUTES – April 13, 2009

Date: April 13, 2009
Time: 5:00 PM
Location:DuPont Chestnut Run Plaza, Bldg. 700
Wilmington, Delaware 19805


Mr. Bill Osborne – TMA
Ms. Charlotte O’Sullivan – Resident
Mr. Charles Stirk – Brookland Terrace
Mr. William Wheatley – Brookland Terrace
Ms. Phyllis Berggnun – Willow Run
Mr. Bernie Berggnun – Willow Run
Ms. Theresa Riddleberger – Willow Run
Dr. Joshua Ayers – Brookland Terrace
Mrs. Edie Realey – Willow Run
Mr. Louis DiLeonardo – Willow Run
Mr. Al Conner – Berca
Mr. Tom Brooks – DelDOT
Mr. Harry Cooper – DelDOT
Mr. Mark Buckalew – DelDOT
Mr. Robert King – DelDOT

Bob King called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.

Tom Brooks explained to the group:

The new business regarding the landscaping. JMT will be formulating a team including community members, civic organizations and landscapers for design long term maintenance responsibilities. This would include both the state right-of-way and the medium.

There were then several questions posed by members:

There was a concern regarding grass growing along Gilpin. Member wanted to know if this could be filled and paved with concrete. Along Roselle Ave, the same issue exists but it is too costly to maintain by the civic organization. There was a question if the Federal Stimulus would fund this. The response was no.
There was an issue of trash and graffiti on and around the trailer of the contractor by the DelDOT construction trailer. The contractor’s trailer will remain until the

completion of the retaining wall (November). Committee members offered to repaint the trailer if materials were supplied.
Concern was expressed regarding the condition of Field Road – there is heavy construction traffic and as a result, the road is in poor condition. Tom will look into this matter….

Mark Buckalew updated the group on the project’s progress during construction:
Construction Status
We are currently on schedule.
Currently we are working on:
The abutment walls for the proposed SB lanes across Bridge 1-143.
East and West side of Faulkland Rd. Curb will begin to be installed this week and the area should be partially paved by the next workshop meeting.
The installation of the new sanitary sewer along the proposed SB SR 141 travel lanes. This work will not impact service
A new Artesian water main will continue to be installed along the SB SR 141 travel lanes south of Bridge 1-143. A temporary access road will be placed during the water main installation for vehicles accessing Walnut Ave., Elm Ave., Beech Ave., E. Brookland Ave., and the homes along this area
The new proposed retaining wall and decorative fence along the Montgomery Rd. Extension will begin within a few months. Clearing for the new fence will begin within the month, which will involve tree and some fence removal.
Reconstruction of the proposed SB SR 141 travel lanes will begin from North of Bridge 1-143 to Faulkland Rd. This will involve shifting entrance closures for Wagoner Dr., Lowry Dr., and the service entrance to the Woodland Apartments. Access will be maintained for the homes along SR 141 between Wagoner Dr. and Lowry Dr.
Additional questions were then raised:

Why were sections of the hedge ripped out?
A). This was not done by DelDOT but as sanitation work on the sewer lines.

One of the members said that they were experiencing low water pressure and was this due to any project maintenance work?
A). At this time there is no working being done which would affect pressure.
3. There are potholews by Walnut Street.
A). Mark said his men would take care of that.
4. Are there fiber-optics plans for the area?
A). Verizon moved off the project prior to the construction phase of the
project starting. DelDot has no idea on Verizon’s plans or if new
conducts would have to be run or not.
Will there be repaving and curbing done along the side streets?
A). No – not beyond the project limits, except for those tagged for overlay.
B). FOLLOW UP – Tom had the ratings pulled. Ratings are done on a 1-100
scale with 100 being perfect. Most of these segments are on the low side
of good, with one falling into the fair category. Since these are suburban
streets DelDOT does not consider them for the pave and rehab. program,
For some additional perspective, DelDOT does not usually look at a local
road for full paving until the condition falls below a 50. So unless there
are some isolated patches needed, the overall condition of the road does not
indicate a need for paving.
The rating for each of these roads are:
Field Rd 116810 milepoints 0-0.17 -- 64.3 (good)
milepoints .17-.19 -- 57.5 (fair)
Lehigh Ave 116920 64.1 (good)
Cedar Ave 116700 68.4 (good)
A question was raised if landscaping will be done Rt-202 near the bridge for Kirkwood Highway, for noise abatement due to traffic noise levels?
A). Due to the lane shift there is no room for shrubs or bushes.
7. A follow up question was posed if the all purpose path could be eliminated
for the addition of the shrubs for the noise abatement?
A). No, the path will remain as required for pedestrians any cyclists.
8. Is the project still on schedule?
A). for the most part, yes. There is a 2011 project completion and 2010 for
the southbound lanes.
9. At the new light into Willow Run and Lowery, could there be elephant tracks
painted to help direct traffic into the proper lanes onto Rt-141?
A). This cannot be done due to traffic right-of-way issues.

10. When will the bridge work be completed?
A). This should be done following the setting of the beams in August, and the
final deck work, so we are looking at the end of the year.
11. There was a question about the possibility of power washing graffiti off the
block wall south of the Mill Creek bridge.
A). FOLLOW UP – Tom checked into this and the wall is on private property
and each of the property owners would need to be contacted to wash the graffiti
off the wall.

FOLLOW-UP UPDATE: Tom Brooks informs that the ponding issue in the left turn lane for DuPont Chestnut Run Site is being resolved. North Construction was out making repairs to the turn lane and drainage inlet last week. The improvements will allow the turn lane to drain properly and not hold water or ice. This was a complaint that DuPont had brought up during one of the first meetings.

Following these questions, the meeting ended at 5:49 p.m.


Monday, July 13th - 5:00PM

DuPont Chestnut Run Plaza
Building 700
Directions: Use Route 141 entrance, north of the Faulkland Road intersection
Travel on South Mall Road
Left on Third Street
At stop sign, left on North Mall Road
Parking is available on all four sides of Building 700
The main entrance faces North Mall Road

Construction Advisory Group
Route 141 – Kirkwood Highway to Faulkland Road
MEETING MINUTES – April 13, 2009


Are you in town Memorial Day Weekend?

Dear Stonewold Neighbors/Homeowners,

Are you in town Memorial Day Weekend?
Let's Get Together for
A Neighborhood Cleanup
SATURDAY 9AM 5/23/09
3 Berkshire Court (front of Michael and Christy Fleming's home)

We'll do a quick cleanup of the Neighborhood perimeter, but also tackle some of the graffiti on our beautiful nearby roads. Chuck Stirk of the local Anti-Graffiti Brigade will be briefing us on how to combat the graffiti safely and effectively.

Rain Date-Sun 5/24

Snow Plowing Reimbursement ..

Brookland Terrace Civic Club received snow plowing reimbursement from the State of Delaware ... on 11 May 2009


YARD SALE Saturday 16 May

Yard Sale Saturday May 16, 2009

Loads Of Stuff
Tools Clothes Toys Furniture Books hula hoops flowers bikes electronics lawn equipment records CDs kitchen Home Interior Candles & Pink Flamingos ..............

Directions 95 North or South to 141 South to exit 5 toward SR-62/Newport Gap Pike/Boxwood Rd (turns into Centerville Rd)Continue on Centerville Rd - passing Wal-Mart, Acme, Make a right after 7-11 &Marbrook Elementary School ..........


What: Community Yard Sale

When: May 16, 2009

Where: Wilmington Delaware 19805

Time: 8am - 3pm


More info 302.996.9503




Warm Weather Brings Added Dangers

New Castle County Police Department

Colonel Rick S. Gregory Chief of Police 


Corporal Trinidad Navarro Media Coordinator’s Office


April 27, 2009


Warm Weather Brings Added Dangers


Over the past week, New Castle County Police have investigated a number of property crimes and suspicious vehicles that could be contributed to the recent warm weather.  In some cases (property crimes), residents have left their windows open while the homes were unattended and in others, homeowners simply forgot to close their garage doors.  Additionally, County Police have also investigated at least two cases where passing motorists have made unsolicited offers to two area juveniles offering car rides.  Although both cases do not rise to the level of an attempted abduction, police would like to notify the public of the potential dangers and offer safety tips for our youth. 


To help protect your home against break-ins:


  • The most obvious, but most often overlooked; remember to lock all doors and windows.  Most burglars are opportunist who will look for an easy entry by checking for locked doors and windows.  In New Castle County, the majority of burglaries occur during the week while most citizens are at work.  Statistically, your home is more likely to be burglarized on Mondays and Thursdays between the late morning and late afternoon hours. 
  • While glass can be broken, a cheap $.49 wood dowel will keep windows and sliding doors from being pried open and acts as a deterrent.  Be mindful to not obstruct a potential exit in case of a fire. 
  • If you are not are out, create the illusion that someone is home.  Leaving a TV on a timing system is often more effective than just having lights go on.  The sound is more convincing to someone surveying the house than just a light being left on.
  • The use of motion sensor lights makes it harder for a burglar to remain stealthy entering the house at night.   Also consider installing one in the back yard if you have entrances back there.  Besides, a bright enough light will help you figure out what your dog is barking at—at all hours of the night.
  • Place security alarm stickers on your windows.  They’ll let burglars know that you have security measures in place. 
  • Keep an eye out for “solicitors”.  Often times a burglar will pose as a solicitor, check your doors, and if the opportunity presents itself, will break in to the house.
  • Alert a trusted neighbor when you will be gone for an extended period of time.
  • Contact your post office to suspend your mail delivery and also suspend your local newspaper.
  • ALWAYS lock your car doors, especially if you keep a garage door opener inside. 


According to FBI statistics, a home is burglarized once every 15 seconds in the United States.  With a few preventative measures, we can make this crime one of the most preventable.




To help protect your children: (According the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children)


What are the most important things parents should tell children about safety?

  1. Always check first with a parent, guardian, or trusted adult before going anywhere, accepting anything, or getting into a car with anyone.
  2. Do not go out alone. Always take a friend with when going places or playing outside.
  3. Say no if someone tries to touch you, or treats you in a way that makes you feel scared, uncomfortable, or confused. Get out of the situation as quickly as possible.
  4. Tell a parent, guardian, or trusted adult if you feel scared, uncomfortable, or confused.
  5. There will always be someone to help you, and you have the right to be safe.

What should a parent know when talking to a child about safety?

  1. Don’t forget your older children. Children aged 11 to 17 are equally at risk to become victims of crime.  At the same time you are giving your older children more freedom, make sure they understand important safety rules as well.
  2. Speak to your children in a manner that is calm and non-threatening. Children do not need to be scared in order to get the point across to them.  In fact, fear can thwart the safety message, because fear can be upsetting to a child which could lead them to block out your message. 
  3. Speak openly. Children will be less likely to come to you about private issues.  If they feel that you are comfortable discussing the subject at hand, they may be more forthcoming.
  4. Do not teach “stranger danger.” Children do not have the same understanding of “strangers” as adults; the concept is difficult for them to grasp. And, based on what we know about those who harm children, people known to children and/or their families actually present greater danger to children than do “strangers.”
  5. Practice what you preach. You may think your children understand your message, but until they can incorporate it into their daily lives, it may not be clearly understood. Find opportunities to practice “what if” scenarios.
  6. Teach your children that safety is more important than manners. In other words, it is more important for children to get themselves out of a threatening situation than it is to be polite. They also need to know that it is okay to tell you what happened, and they won’t be tattletales. 

B.T.C.C. Awards