
Construction Advisory Group

September 8, 2008Construction Advisory Group
Route 141 – Kirkwood Highway to Faulkland Road


Mr. Larry Mitchell – State Representative
Mr. Joseph Reda – New Castle County Councilman
Mr. Robert Bristow – DuPont Co.
Mr. Pete Hayward – Resident
Mr. Mike MacDowell – Woodland Heights
Mr. Charles Stirk – Brookland Terrace
Mr. Eryl Roth – DSCYF/DMSS
Mr. Tom Brooks – DelDOT
Mr. Harry Cooper – DelDOT
Mr. Mark Buckalew - DelDOT
Mr. Robert King - DelDOT
Ms. Misty Seemans - DelDOT

Bob King called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.

Tom Brooks discussed old business:
1. The existing overhead sign from Route 141 southbound to Route 2/Kirkwood Highway northbound will be changed. Currently, it says To (2)/Kirkwood Highway/Centerville Road/Right Lane. The new sign will say To (2)/Kirkwood Highway/Centerville Road/Exit Only.

Tom discussed new business:
1. Left-hand turns have been restricted to and from Route 141 at Gilpin Drive. A traffic signal permitting left-hand turns will be installed at the intersection of Route 141 and Montgomery Road Extension in the near future.
2. The funds for a landscaping design are available for Fiscal Years 2009 and 2010. Construction funds have been requested for Fiscal Year 2012. A maintenance agreement is still needed. This will be included in the design process.

Mark Buckalew updated the group on the project’s progress during construction:
· The project is slightly behind schedule due to a few utility delays.
· The following work is being done:
1. Beams will be set on the Route 141 bridge over Little Mill Creek.
2. The work to the Route 141 bridge over Kirkwood Highway is almost complete with the exception of clean-up work and touch-up painting. Expansion dam replacement is still to come. The bridge deck needs to be repaved.
3. Excavating and placing stone for new Route 141 northbound lanes and bike path.
4. Montgomery Road Extension should be complete in September. This will allow traffic to turn left from Route 141 southbound to access Gilpin Drive and vice versa.
5. The ramp from Route 2/Kirkwood Highway onto Route 141 northbound will remain closed until the ramp reconstruction is complete. This will be in effect for approximately three months.
6. New utility poles are being installed along the east and west side of Faulkland Road.

General discussion ensued:
1. New Castle County Councilman Joseph Reda asked what type of traffic signal will be at the intersection of Route 141 and Montgomery Road Extension. Mark said approaching vehicles will trip the light but it will not be a stacked signal. Stacked signals aren’t typically used.
2. A resident asked if new street lighting on Lehigh Avenue will shine in residents’ homes. Mark said the lighting is designed to shine on the roadway.
3. A resident asked if work would be done to the bridge from Route 2/Kirkwood Highway westbound to Route 141 northbound. Mark said there would not be any significant work to this bridge. Harry Cooper said a retaining wall would be added to the bridge to increase width for the additional lanes.
4. A resident said he did not get a mailed copy of the minutes or see the minutes on the DelDOT Web page. Bob said the resident was on the mailing list and the minutes are on the Web page, but will keep an eye on these issues.
5. A resident asked about whether this project took into account the proposed development of Barley Mill Plaza. Discussion ensued.

Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:25 p.m. with the next meeting scheduled for Monday, November 3, 2008 at 5 p.m.


Brookland Terrace Civic Club Newsletter September 2008

Next Civic Club meeting this Wednesday 10 September at 7 pm

at Marbrook Elementary School 2101 Centerville Road

ontheagenda Community Yard Sale 13 Sept , Graffiti Watch ,
2009 Dues , Streets , Block Watch

Community Yard Sale - Saturday 13 September

Signs will be put around community &
Announcements will be put on Craig's List
& in newspapers

We are very happy to see new play ground equipment in Woodland Run Park
Since January 2008, over 160 homes have paid 2008 annual dues.

Civic club dues pay for snow removal, park clean-up
and activities such as the annual community yard sale.

We would also like more participation from young families to
organise and run activities for children such as a Holiday party.

We would like to also welcome the new residents who have moved to Brookland Terrace

For 2009 Dues Please make checks for $10 payable to the
Brookland Terrace Civic Club and send them in the attached envelope
to: BTCC 2905 Centre Road Wilmington De 19805-1130


President - Charles C Stirk Jr
Vice President-Glen Fuller
Treasurer - Joyce Grymes
Secretary - William Wheatley