
316 Brookland Ave :: Tree / Fallen Dead Wood on Utility Lines :: Reported

 316 Brookland Ave Wilmington DE 19805  :: Fallen Dead Wood  on Verizon & XfinityUtility Lines 

Fallen Dead Wood fell from New Castle County Parkland at a Del-Dot Drainage Ditch .

It would be convent if the Fallen Dead Wood could be removed before Verizon & Xfinity is knocked out for entire block .

Your attention in these matters is much appreciate .

If you have any further questions or clarifications needed, feel free to reach out  302.463.2239  brooklandterrace@gmail.com


State of the Troop 6 Meeting at Cranston Heights Fire Hall 6PM Tues 25 March 2025


Troop 6 State of the  Meeting at Cranston Heights Fire Hall 6PM Tues 25 March 2025


Closure of Greenbank Road at the Wilmington Western crossing at 5:00 am on Monday, March 24th and will reopen no later than 10:00 pm on Monday, March 31st


TRAFFIC ALERT - New Castle County - Greenbank Road to Close for Railroad Crossing Repair
The Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) announces to motorists the closure of Greenbank Road at the Wilmington Western crossing at 5:00 am on Monday, March 24th and will reopen no later than 10:00 pm on Monday, March 31st. Crews will replace the existing railroad crossing surface, perform sidewalk modifications in the area of the crossing and pave the approaches to the crossing.

Motorists should use caution and expect minor delays in the area. For more information visit the DelDOT website at www.deldot.gov, download the DelDOT app or tune to 1380 am, WTMC.



If you believe your new property assessment does not reflect the fair market value of your property and/or you are not satisfied with the informal appeal decision from Tyler Technologies, the only option currently is the formal appeal process under New Castle County.

Applications for this formal assessment appeal process began on 2/15 with an extended deadline of MARCH 31st  Even if you did not participate in an informal appeal with Tyler, you can still apply for a formal appeal.

The Board of Assessment will also be suspending the rule requiring an appraiser to be present at the appeal hearing. Also, appellants will have the option to submit appraisals at a later date instead of attaching them to the formal appeal application.

Deadline to submit appraisal reports will be June 16th. 

If you miss the March deadline, you can appeal next year, however, the new assessed tax will need to be paid on this year's property tax bill. If you successfully appeal next year, any taxes you've already paid will not be refundable.

Mail completed forms to:
New Castle County Assessment Division
87 Reads Way
New Castle, DE 19720

Forms may also be emailed as attachments to:
Assessment Appeal Form
Summary of Revisions to BOAR Rules
Board of Assessment Appeals Procedures
Online Version of Appeal Form (requires acct creation)
County Executive Marcus Henry announces
New Castle County Board of Realtors' assistance
to property owners with reassessment appeals
NEW CASTLE – County Executive Marcus Henry announces a collaboration between the County and the New Castle County Board of Realtors. Volunteer realtors will be available to meet with property owners at libraries across the county over the next two weeks to support those going through the appeal process at no cost. Realtors in New Castle County are well-versed in researching home sale data and can help guide property owners to find comparable data to determine if they want to appeal their reassessed value.
“I’m so excited that the New Castle County Board of Realtors has offered their assistance to property owners,” said New Castle County Executive Marcus Henry. “This is a complicated process, and their expertise will be so valuable to helping folks determine if they want to submit a formal appeal, and how to get best data if they decide to.”
The current schedule of opportunities to meet with a realtor is below, new opportunities will be shared as they become available – all are strictly first come, first serve. Registration is required for realtors to have access to data ahead of time to assist in their research, please use the registration link.
Bear Library (101 Governor’s Place, Bear, DE 19701):
Wednesday, March 19th 3 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Saturday, March 29th 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Woodlawn Library (2020 W. Ninth St, Wilmington, DE 19805):
Saturday, March 22nd 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Appoquinimink Community Library (204 E Main St, Middletown, DE 19709):
Wednesday, March 26th 4 p.m. to 8:45 p.m.
Property owners can check their new assessed value on the New Castle County Parcel Search. Answers to frequently asked questions about the formal appeal process can be found in our FAQ document. Formal appeals must be submitted by property owners by March 31, 2025 at 4pm. Appeal forms can be submitted via email to the Board of Assessment Review (BOARAppeals@newcastlede.gov) or delivered to the New Castle County Government Center, Assessment Division at 87 Read Way, New Castle, DE 19720. Forms for appeals can be accessed on the County website.
Any of the services described in this release provided to third parties are on a volunteer basis and are not provided on behalf of, at the direction or control of New Castle County, or the officers and employees of New Castle County. Similarly, they are not a substitute for legal services provided by an appropriately licensed Delaware attorney.


BTCC Zoom Meeting 7:30 PM Monday April 7th :: ParkCleanUp - 12 April 9AM


BTCC Zoom Meeting

7:30 PM Monday April 7th


ParkCleanUp - 12 April 9AM



Who can you contact about rising DPL utility cost ?

Who can you contact about rising DPL utility cost ?


Friends and neighbors,

Rising utility costs are quickly becoming a financial hardship for many Delawareans. Last week, my colleagues on the Senate Environment, Energy, and Transportation Committee held a hearing to provide customers with an opportunity to voice their concerns and hear directly from Delmarva Power representatives. Please know that we will introduce pieces of legislation aimed at protecting consumers in the coming weeks. 

We continue to be in contact with Delaware’s Public Advocate and Public Service Commission, the state bodies that regulate utilities. 

Delmarva Power has shared that they have streamlined their process to restore service to disconnected customers in addition to taking the following steps to further assist: 

  • No late payment fees for January and February 2025 and providing longer periods for repayment, up to 24 months
  • Suspending disconnections for nonpayment in February 2025
  • Waiving deposits for disconnected customers who are seeking to restore service


In the meantime, anyone with concerns or questions about their utility bills can contact the resources listed below.



As always, please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions, comments, community concerns, or just to say hi. I can be reached by email at spiros.mantzavinos@delaware.gov, on Facebook, or by calling my Senate office at (302) 744-4133.


Spiros Mantzavinos
Senator, District 7



NCC Tax Exemptions :: Partial tax exemptions are available for some taxpayers. Those who are disabled or over 65 may be eligible, depending upon income levels.




Tax Exemptions

Partial tax exemptions are available for some taxpayers. Those who are disabled or over 65 may be eligible, depending upon income levels. Exemptions for non-profit organizations and for agricultural property are also available, provided conditions are met. The exemption application provides more complete information on eligibility requirements.

If you have questions about whether you are eligible for a charitable, religious, or educational property tax exemption, this short survey will help you understand whether you meet the criteria. Please note that this survey is for educational purposes only and that results do not guarantee an exemption. You must complete and send an application in order to receive an official determination of whether you are entitled to a tax exemption.

For information regarding exemptions for charitable, religious, or educational properties, please see: Guide to Charitable, Religious, or Educational Property Tax Exemptions.

